Under what circumstances would you continue to hook up with the same woman for 4 years?

  1. Three years. She was a petite hot nurse with a kid who worked in an old folks home and was open to on-going fwb.

    The sex was awesome relative to a lot of other women and she was open to almost anything so why not? That was also the longest off and on fwb situation I ever had going on.

  2. Hook up and no relationship? Like not actually dating?

    Super convenient to just lay the lumber to her while I look for someone to date or marry?

  3. Most likely by that point I would be dating them. If not, I’d be curious as to what was so wrong with them that I’d have to keep my distance, or me for continuing to hook up with someone I didn’t see myself in a committed relationship with for so long.

  4. we where both ok with it? I had an on/off thing with a friend for years before we both found long term relationships, we’re still very good friends.

  5. That I like her, the sex is good and there’s no expectations or pressure placed to be in a relationship.

    As long as both parties are on board with a FWB situation it’s all good.

  6. I personally wouldn’t but I can think of some reasons some men would.

    If she’s high maintenance or otherwise unpleasant to be around outside the bedroom.

    If she’s ugly and he doesn’t want people to know or see them together.

    If he’s out chasing better women but falls back to her every time it falls apart or he has a dry spell.

  7. Neither had a reason to want to change…. had a single mom FWB for 3 years, who loved sex but did not want to complicate the home dynamic (her baby daddy was in prison). I eventually met someone I wanted a relationship with and moved on.

  8. Maybe we click on every level but want totally different things out of our future so dating is out of the question

  9. Ideally I couldn’t.
    Only way I could see that happening with myself is if it was a something of an abusive relationship where I was frozen out, then picked back up again, frozen out…. Really nasty pattern and I’m unable to recognize or put a stop to it

  10. Under the circumstances that I want to hook up and she’s fine with it.

    Remember, if he’s been hooking up w/ you for 4yrs, you’ve also been hooking up w/ him for 4yrs.

  11. Assuming the OP is referring to sex with no commitment, the ideal scenario for me would be if she was married, and both her spouse and mine were okay with it. I came close to that once, but her husband (USAF) got deployed to Germany, and the whole family went with him.

    5,000 miles makes for a very effective cock-block.

  12. I’ve had this for a few years, but not consistently. When either of us starts to date someone we acknowledge it and cease communication. When either of us stopped dating a person we’d text each other to “check in”. If I happened to be dating someone or she was then it was a no go. We’re both in relationships now and haven’t spoken in awhile.

  13. I had a FB like that. We just stayed in the same city and liked fucking each other. Not that hard

  14. Well, dating would have to not lead anywhere for either of us.

    We’d also have to not develop romantic interest in one another.

    That’s…. pretty much it, really, especially if fucking other people and potentially contracting and spreading STIs wasn’t a risk factor.

  15. Eh? I’ve been hooking up with the same woman for 30 years. Dating>Relationship>Engaged>Married

  16. If I didn’t want a relationship at all with anyone…. And it was effortless to continue.

  17. The question is why *wouldn’t* I? I mean, if everyone is having a good time I’d keep hooking up with someone indefinitely. I’ve had hookups that have lasted many years before, they were great

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