What is the meaning of Life?

  1. 42. No but seriously The best I can come up with is to just enjoy the ride as much as you can. Bonus points if you help other people enjoy their time as well.

  2. Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.

  3. To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women

  4. You find bits of meaning in your work, your relationships, your aspirations, your leisure, in pain, in sorrow, in love, and in hatred. Some may find meaning in a higher power, or a hope for eternity. Others dwell in the assurance of oblivion, of eternal peace and unknowing. Consciousness is both gift and curse. A fleeting moment of experience lost in an infinite ocean of time. Live for 10 years, 100 years, or a thousand, it’s engulfed all the same. Yet here we are, living, striving, existing the best we can for we know it will come to an end and cannot be sure what, if anything, lies on the other side.

  5. None whatsoever. We are born out of a combination of elements reacting in a certain way, these elements started reacting together millions of years ago, we process chemicals, react with the elements for a period of time, then all reactions stop. That’s it. No meaning, no fanfare, live your life the way you want to, and poof! Gone.

  6. Right question would be what gives meaning to your life .

    Because there’s no proof that life has any intrinsic meaning if seen in a non primitive way .

    So meaning of life is very subjective

  7. I don’t know the “meaning of life,” but this quote has always resonated with me in terms of explaining the purpose of life, especially the difficult and miserable parts.

    “Bless you prison, bless you for being in my life. For there, lying upon the rotting prison straw, I came to realize that the object of life is not prosperity as we are made to believe, but the evolution of the human soul.” -Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

  8. I think from a biological sense. It’s to reproduce. We are here to pass on our genes. But I like to thing the meaning of life is to be happy and To find peace with our selfs.

  9. There is no inherent meaning in life.

    Meaning in life has to be created with careful thinking depending upon your skills, location, era etc.

    Ultimately, life is supposed to thought like a story. To make that story interesting is in your hands.

  10. 1) Reproduce.
    2) Provide a better life to our children than what we had growing up
    3) Set the same expectations for your children.

    That’s the only way this rock gets better.

  11. The meaning of life is to try and understand itself.

    We are the universe attempting to understand itself and process information.

  12. There isn’t any meaning to life. That’s the beautiful part. It’s Choose Your Own Adventure!

  13. The meaning and purpose of life is life. A man’s purpose is to make women pregnant and create children.

  14. It changes throughout life and my best guess is that is disappointingly less profound that we would expect. “Don’t overindulge in anything” is where I find meaning right now.

    The real meaning behind it all is going to be something like “nothing” or “holy shit mind blown” but that’s all hidden behind the curtain. So you find meaning in the X/y/z time dimensions that we actually can do something with.

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