I’m dating a guy for about 2 months and found out he dated a prostitute for almost a year. He claimed he didn’t know her job at the beginning, cuz they met at a fancy party. He found out when her hidden second phone rang, but after that, they kept together. When we started going out they were still seeing each other. Once he even posted a pic with her on his social media profile, and when I asked claimed it was just a friend. I don’t know if I can trust that and I’m considering breaking up, I know some dudes go out with prostitutes, but dating one it’s too much for me, what do you think?

  1. >but after that, they kept together.

    Why wouldn’t they keep together if he liked her? Was she an active working sex worker, or a former sex worker. Because I wouldn’t have any problem with the latter. The former, maybe if she was willing to just keep it to stripping or webcams and not full service.

  2. You’re 2 months in and you already can’t trust the guy nor his lifestyle. Save yourself the time and move on quickly. He’s already a red flag

  3. Lots of shaming happening in the comments. Sounds like 2 seperate issues, he wasn’t honestly with his relationship and second you have a alot to unpack about sex work and sex workers. The way you wrote your post sounds like it has nothing to do with the guy and you’re just grossed out by a totally valid profession

  4. I would ask for a STDs screening, think about all the contact she had and all the ppl a prostitute user gets intimate with. Also there are STDs and other transmisible diseases that wont appear in the screening so good luck with that. I would ditch him and run, he is probably lying about it

  5. First of all, i think the people downvoting your post are childish. I dont see any reason to downvote it.

    Second: If you can no longer trust him, then its time to confront him about it, share your feelings and see if you like what his answer to your frustration is.

    All relationships are based into trust, if you cant trust him anymore is better for both of you to go separate ways. A relationship without trust will not last, its just a matter of time until every small thing stack up and become a mountain of issues that one day will fall into both of you.

  6. I think that it is fair that you are not cool with that. That is pretty weird. So date him or don’t.

  7. I would think the fact that he was still sleeping with her when you started going out and that he still hangs out with her and lied about their past is more of a red flag then the fact that she does sex work

  8. Red flag.

    I am one of those men. Dated prostitutes, strippers etc purely because they looked sexy and I knew it was short term fun.

    These men place physical attractiveness above everything else. They’ll always be on the lookout for the newest model, especially when your old and broken down.

  9. I know a few sex worker women, have been exposed to that world through a relative. I’ve learned a lot as a result and don’t necessarily find the sex worker aspect the biggest issue. But him dating you before he was “over” her is. He seems to at least want her still even if they stopped having sex… but I doubt the sex has stopped unless SHE stopped having it with him and that’s why he looked for a new GF. He is the issue in either case, not the sex worker.

  10. I think you’re over reacting

    It’s a part of his past
    You dated people in the past,regardless of whatever there profession is.

    If I date a woman
    Her ex bf was a male prostitute

    My thought will be -yall probably slept together
    as long as you’re clean and disease free
    I don’t care then.

    Now the thing about the social media I’d give him shit for . .
    My pics go on there now or you can go to hell.

    He argues then of course
    you had ex’s pics on there
    who do you love more
    me or her?

    You -then put my pics on there stfu and kiss me

    If it really is too much on you and no deal
    then do what you think is best and most comfortable

    However,we all have our past’s
    It’s up to you to decide which is more important . .
    things that happened in the past or who he’s with now?


  11. It’s going to eat at you because it’s bothering you now already, get over it or get over him, it’s that simple..

  12. You have every right to be upset. I get it. I wouldn’t like that either. If he’s worth it, stay, if not just break up with him asap

  13. I’ve had two boyfriends that has dated sex workers, both of them had STD’s. Both of them hated to get test regularly. Both of them had issues with sex to the point they were never satisfied with whatever I did sexually.

    Some people think not to worry about it but if your more on the normal side it’s hard to please people that had an extreme experience. 9 times out of 10 they won’t to teach you how to please them either. I’d avoid situations like that from now on by properly dating before sex.

  14. You must be an adept archeologist. Seems like you are quite excellent at digging up the past.

    At the end of the day who cares? Your partner’s past is just that, their PAST.

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