Who do you think has been the most controversial person in America this year?

  1. If you asked a couple months ago, I’d have to give the award to Elon Musk and his Twitter purchase.
    However, Kanye West might have stolen the show with a photo finish.

  2. It is currently Elon Musk, but at the rate things are going Kanye West will have next year sewn up. The man had Alex Jones trying to get him to realize the Holocaust happening-you just can’t find that level of derangement with anyone else.

  3. Elon Musk, Kanye, Herschel Walker, and the crypto guy who just got arrested. Roughly in that order.

  4. Tough question. I have to give Elon Musk a lot of credit because he’s kept his name in people’s conversations for a significant portion of the year.

  5. Maybe this is too local, but Beto O’Rourke ran for office again this year, this time going for Texas Governor. He lost. That makes him three times a loser at the polls, two times running directly against candidates who are widely disliked by the constituency. The controversy is, some people were still hardcore on the B-train, while others were on the spectrum between “I love Greg Abbott as a candidate” and “Well he’s not any more reliable than the status quo”

  6. Elon Musk is the most controversial in the fact that he has the most supporters and detractors, but an honorable mention goes out to Kyrie Irving who is just as anti-Semitic as Kanye and got away with it

  7. From a surprising point, Sam Harris. Kayne didn’t surprise me because the man is obviously severely mentally ill.

  8. My vote would be Musk. Many people adored Musk and still do. The people who didn’t adore him felt that he was generally a neutral force. Now, he’s almost as polarizing as Trump.

    Kanye is a sad situation, but it’s not totally out of left field that he’d say and do some messed up things given his recent history. There’s also some level of feeling that Kanye needs some mental health care, which doesn’t excuse his actions but does provide some context.

  9. Probably a tie between Muskrat and West, after being banned on Twitter, Trump hasn’t really done much noteworthy unless you actively follow him.

  10. Trump retired the trophy.

    #2 — Elon Musk

    #3 — Marjorie Taylor Green, Lauren Boebert and the other insurrectionist nutjobs

    #4 — Kanye West

  11. Kanye West. Started the year with some based opinions and had legitimate issues with the world he saw around him and he wanted to voice that, then went batshit crazy after the wrong kind of people started gaslighting him, using him to throw shit wherever it would fly, and springboard themselves for personal gain, and now the guy has cameras & attention on him where he needs psychiatric help and medical intervention, because he is a legitimate fan of Hitler, I dunno if its because he’s misinformed, wants to rock boats, or is losing his mind, or a combination, but that cannot be encouraged. Kanye West *needs* help from people that *actually* care about his wellbeing.

    Hunter Biden is a good followup, but nobody talks about him because he’s protected by dad & the media.

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