I wrote about this in the past. My boyfriend is a ‘big watermelons fan’ when it comes to breasts size. I knew this from the beginning he loves biiiiig boobs but also out of respect for me he never looks at other women etc.

i just know he watches porn boob jobs and huge tits sections

I am… skinny And my boobs are medium/small size. They’re not flat flat, they just tiny like maybe apples/ peaches, not watermelons

I’m not flat at all, just tiny

Me and my bf try to get kinky sometimes. And when we are away from each other, I tried to make it spicy and send him some sexy pictures

And he has no idea what to say of course. He is socially awkward. But I sent him a sexy pic with my body and boobs and he said something like ‘my cute nipples i would kiss’

Im like wtf… i know he ment probably something sexy but it was cringe as fuck. He said nothing else then he said he needs to leave to work

It felt ….. so weird ……
Like… I felt totally not sexy.
Nipples? C’mon. They not that small. It’s not just nipples.

I explained in another post how it makes me feel. I had a conversation with him and he said he loves me the way I am blabla

But knowing he likes huge melons and I am on the small size… it torments me honestly. Especially since he fucks up and give my boobs names like ‘nipples’ and he avoids touching this area during sex. I can see he is not aroused by my chest.

However, hearing these expressions from him kill my sexual desire and confidence. I wanna feel like a sexy woman not like a tiny boy with a vagina.

And I really have some boobs. I’m not flat chested so idk why he tells me these things.
Maybe he tried to be sexy but it was cringe as fuck…. I feel like crying i haven’t answered to his messages in a while I’m just so sad now …

Is this such a deal breaker?

  1. Tell him exactly how it makes you feel. Let him know that you think he is tit shaming you. Turn the table and ask him if it would be okay if you watched porn that you could shame him with. It could be a deal breaker, if he continues to hurt your feelings on purpose.

  2. If he didn’t think you were attractive, he wouldn’t be having sex with you. Most people who have a long dating history have been with at least a few people who weren’t perfectly their “type.” Just because your boyfriend likes large chests on other people doesn’t mean he thinks yours are inadequate. Talk to him about your insecurities and give him a chance to remind you all the reasons he finds you sexy.

  3. I think your insecurity is making you take his comment in a way that he didn’t intend. He commented on your nipples, which are part of your breast. It doesn’t mean that he thinks your breasts are entirely nipples.

    Is it possible that he avoids contact with your breasts because he is aware of your discomfort and insecurity about them? Maybe you’re subconsciously tensing up or making a face when he touches them so he stopped because he thinks you don’t like it? From what I can see if you’re previous posts, your boyfriend has only ever spoken positively about your boobs. Saying they’re small and cute isn’t a negative.

    There will always be women who have something that we don’t. Bigger boobs, bigger butt, smaller waist, prettier face, etc. Part of being secure with ourselves is accepting that we don’t need to have it all, because who we are and what we do offer is special and awesome in it’s own right. So he likes big boobs. That doesn’t mean he can’t also like your boobs/smaller boobs in general. Do you like more than one flavor of ice cream? Your boyfriend has chosen to be with you. He continues to choose to have sex with you. That’s not because he doesn’t find you attractive.

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