I’ve been divorced since February ( been a rough year lol) had to move back in with my parents. I know I need to make some changes in my life. I would like to go back to school to get a degree. But I have no idea what I really want to major in or what career I should choose. It’s honestly hard some days to think about anything. But any advice is much appreciated.

  1. What are you interested in? Are you good at math, good at working with your hands, are you inclined to go into a medical profession?

    When I was a kid, I liked creative writing. Somehow that combined with an interest in computers turned into a career as a programmer.

    It kinda sounds to me like you might be depressed, which is understandable given your last few years. I’m barely motivated to get off my ass to do anything when I’m depressed.

    Maybe start by taking good care of yourself physically and emotionally. Make time for self care, and a little introspection. Is there anything you’re interested in that could be a long term career? Like, anything from being a finance dude to a mechanic.

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