I (19M) have been going to a new gym for about a month, and I often see a guy, we’ll call him Matt (17M), at the gym.

Back like 7 years or so ago we played on the same baseball team in little league/middle school for a season.

So far neither of us has said anything to each other, and I’m wondering how to approach him just to say hi.

Should I assume he knows who I am, or reintroduce myself, or call him by his name or ask for it?


  1. Jump in trying to correct his form, like a gymbro.

    Once the ice is broken, you can’t really tell him that you knew him all the time and didn’t try to break ice (same blame goes on him also).

    So, if it was me, I would act a bit unsure about recognising them first then act pleasantly surprised when they confirm that they are who i think they are.

    Sometimes enthusiasm might not be reciprocated, which is totally fine and not to be taken personally (remember, other folks also may have anxiety issues or other reasons).

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