Pretty much what the title says, can you meet someone that you truly felt happy with and reconnect in the future, or do you need to just move on?

  1. I think it’s possible for sure, but I think most of the time if you think this is happening it’s actually the wrong person and the wrong time. The right person will put more effort in to try and make things work

  2. I mean there’s “love stores” out there forsure where maybe one person was in a relationship when they met but it didn’t work out and they ended up getting together after. I feel like it you really feel that special something with somebody they won’t forget about you

  3. Why are they coming back to you? Is it because they just want to know you’re available and continue to play around or are they generally ready to invest in you and they’re willing to meet your needs?

  4. The person who uses that line is simply conveying that they choose to not make time for the right person.

  5. I think you can. I think right person wrong time isn’t a time where you can fight to make it work. Depending on the situation if you like someone and they don’t want a relationship I think if you really like them you can leave the door open in a way. If they ever come around they have your number or whatever, but let them figure it out themselves. You can’t make someone do something they’re not ready for they have to decide they’re ready on their own. And hopefully the person is still available, but they might not be.
    I think we sorta have multiple possible right people and the choices we make will determine who that one person is. The choice or leaving the door open or shutting it is an example of a choice that take you one way or the other.

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