Taking my fourth of the year today. I have not used a single sick day outside of these 4 fake days. Currently, I’m burnt out and just got 5 hours of sleep. FWIW my boss values me very much and told me last week “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Hate that I’m feeling guilty for doing something that is good for not only me, but my employer as well.

  1. I think of it like this: if you left or died they would replace you like that 🫰

    So take your day and enjoy it and don’t feel guilty about it.

  2. Imo you are given sick days, PTO and holiday pay for a reason. You should feel more guilty not using them. Its a gift from the company. Use them.

  3. 1 is too many. Faking it means someone exploits reasonable rights he has for their own benefit, expecting someone else to pick up their load for that time.

    That being said, this doesn’t apply to you. If you cannot sleep right, your long term workforce is being compromised and no reasonable employer will sacrifice your bigger future work potential for a short period of immediate work. That would be like hacking of your hand for 10’000$.

  4. Fake sick days and mental health days aren’t the same thing, regardless what any employer might say, suggest or imply.

    If your health, mental or physical, means you are unable to carry out your job safely or effectively then you need to be able to rest.

    Arguably, the extension of this is that you’re not in the right job anymore if your inability to carry out your job safely or effectively reaches the point where the employer can no longer function safely or effectively.

  5. If ya can’t carry forward your sick time from year to year, use what you’re given. It’s your time to use.

    Your reason is valid so not like you’re abusing sick time.

  6. Took one today. Sat on my couch eating chocolate and playing PlayStation. Not a single fuck was given.

  7. I haven’t taken a day off for myself in a while. I like the job I’m at but I also need the money to much. If I do take a day off it’s only usually a half day for a doc appointment

  8. A good rule of thumb is to follow the stated attendance policy. Example: My company will write us up after 6 sick occurrences in a six month period, therefore, 6 in 6 months is too many.

  9. companies owe you nothing but a pay check and everyone is replaceable no matter what they say. your health matters most. do not feel guilt for taking care of yourself.

  10. >FWIW my boss values me very much and told me last week “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

    He would replace you in 2 weeks. They just say that so we feel obligated to perform and show up all the time because we believe they really appreciate us.

  11. I’m guessing American? The idea of sick days baffles me. Here, if we’re sick we take the time off.

    When my mother died I just rang a colleague to say I wouldn’t be in for a while and returned to work couple of days after the funeral.

    When I told the office that my brother had collapsed in a coma, they just said ‘Take all the time you need’.

    Plus we get 28 days paid holiday so we can pretty much take extra days whenever we need to.

    On the down side we’re socialists. Like Bernie Saunders.

  12. Probably not a popular opinion.

    You should take a vacation/holiday not profit of your boss/work.
    Seems like you’ve got too much on your plate. And that’s on you.
    “Recharge”. Some days of might help with that. That’s exactly why you faked being sick.

    If your work is your main reason for not sleeping well, talk to your boss. Maybe he can support you, he clearly values you.
    Or if taken to extemes, is this a sustainable job for you? Is the stress worth it?

  13. I was always taught that if your mental health is so bad that you are thinking about “faking” an illness to get a day of relaxation, then you probably need a mental health day off anyway and aren’t actually faking anything.

    Especially since you say you are burnt out. Mental health is just as important as physical health!!

  14. You’re not doing anything you need to feel guilty for. A handful a year definitely isn’t abusing the system.

  15. a boss here. do you get your work done? (sounds like you do).

    the company wont be at your funeral. take care of yourself and ill see you tomorrow.

  16. If they can’t operate without you they are a failed business. A business owner should have things lined up to replace essential jobs within days.

  17. There is one very important fact missing. How many sick/PTO days do you get a year? If you get 15 and your are taking 5 then you are no where near taking what you are entitled to. If on the other hand you have used all of your PTO days and the four ‘mental health’ days are on top of that then that is an issue.

    BTW… mental health days are BS. You are given XXX number of days to use in almost every job. It does not matter why you take them. So, by looking at them this way you are actually setting up a false narrative.

  18. If you have to take fake sick days to care about yourself otherwise nobody would care, the place doesn’t value you enough. If the boss tells you to take fake sick days cause he cares about you and tells you to game the system, he cares. If he doesn’t, I don’t think he does care.

  19. The supervisor who hired me told me, “Sick days don’t carry over to the new year, so make sure you use them.”

  20. At one of my previous employers, if you took more than 4 sick days then you weren’t eligible for anything above “meets expectations”on your year end review

  21. It depends, normally I’d say take as many as you need because if you died your job listing would go up before your funeral notice. However, if you’re seeking a promotion or advancement using too many sick days can be detrimental, so you might want to hold off for a while.

    I can understand why some people disagree with people using them for this and take pride in their not taking sick leave. Personally I know my career is going to be about 40 years, and I’ll give plenty of myself to my work, so if I take a few personal days to enjoy myself then it’s no one’s business.

  22. Sounds like you’re not about to get fired or anything so take what you need my dude. If you’re not feeling well, then deal with that. Doesn’t have to be covid or some shit to be a sick day.

  23. If you’ve got em, use em. At my work sick days don’t roll over into the next year so I’m going to make sure I use them before the end of the year, every year.

    Whether or not it’s for a real sickness, a mental health day, or a “fuck going to work today” day, they’re all valid reasons to me. Don’t get guilt tripped by corp speak into thinking you taking 4 out of 365 days off is a bad thing.

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