So, a couple days ago my ex girlfriend we had been dating for 3 years and i were talking about how much we love each other and how neither of us can wait to be married and have a family together. Then 12 hours later after a small argument she screams at me lists 30 different issues from the past 3 years that i have never heard of and before i can ask any questions of say anything im blocked on everything. Im not going to lie im not faultless i have done wrong in the relationship nothing terrible though. And i’ve asked her if she has anything thats bothering her about our relationship a bunch of times and she always promised no we are perfect right now so i believed her. This isnt the only time she has done this a couple months ago she did it but we got back together the next day and she did it again a week ago she completely explodes with every single issue that she has never told me about we didnt break up this time and I tried to fix it but then she tells me I only try to fix things when she wants to leave but then she says she accepts my apology how am i supposed to fix stuff if she doesnt tell me?

Anyway, I wrote her a letter a week and a half ago before breaking up and I havent given it to her yet It says how much I love her and how grateful i am for her since she put me ahead of her a lot and that now the tables are gonna turn i put her before me and i explain how im going to do it in detail and then i go into the little things she does that i love about her and how much she means to me. Later today we’re seeing eachother to give some stuff back and idk if i should give the letter to her. I love her more than anything but it seems like she hates me every time we’ve broken up she blocks me instantly and this time is no different. And this time ive tried to talk to her so many different ways and last night i texted her and this was her response “i dont want to fucking talk to you” how does that make sense just days before she was telling me how she wanted to get married when we’re older. Like if she wanted to come back i would do it in a heartbeat. Like she hasnt been eating since we broke up so i plan on bringing some food idk if she will eat it its her favourite thing. How should I go about this?

(edit) incomplete question

TLDR: gf breaks up dum\[s a ton of unknown issues on me blocks me then says i dont want to fucking talk to you a day after saying she wanted to marry me.

  1. Don’t give her the letter. Don’t take her food. Just give her stuff back. You need to let this one go. She is not emotionally stable.

  2. The emotional torture you’re being put through isn’t worth it. I know that your feelings run super, super deep…but you’ve got an irreconcilable communication issue.

    She only brings up problems and issues in an abusive manner. This isn’t healthy for either of you. You don’t know how to have a healthy relationship– this cycle will just continue to repeat itself.

    Don’t give her the letter, don’t give her anything but what’s hers. Block her back and spend time grieving by yourself.

  3. Easier said than done, but you do not need to contact her anymore at all.

    Respect her boundaries and also stop trying to force something that isn’t there.

  4. She isn’t emotionally stable or available enough for a relationship right now. Her behavior could be coming from any number of a hundred different reasons, but the consequences of her behavior would be the same regardless of the reason. Her indecision, mania, fear, or whatever is keeping her from actually committing to you, and will continue to do so. Your only good move is to move on.

  5. Don’t give her the letter.

    >ive tried to talk to her so many different ways and last night i texted her and this was her response “i dont want to fucking talk to you”

    Leave her alone before you end up with a restraining order on yourself.

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