I’ve (26M) have been seeing a girl (25F) for the past month and a half, and it’s been going well. We’ve been on a bunch of dates and they went really well! However last week over text I made a corny joke about how I had a dream about her and in the dream I was giving her a massage and we eventually had sex. Her response to this wasn’t what I expected, she caught offence to it and told me that she wasn’t ready for that step in the relationship and that she needed time to process things (she was also super busy that week). I was disappointed but I completely understood and we haven’t talked since. It’s been a week now and I’ve been super anxious all week just mad at myself for fucking things up. My question is what should I do should I reach out or just wait for her? Every article and YouTube video and relationship expert says, when a women asks for space just leave her be. What should I do??

  1. prob blew it. rule number 1: don’t get sexual unless a girl initiates it. though in your defense if she’s that uptight about allusion to sex after dating for a month and a half, she might have some issues.

  2. Yeeee, if a girl doesn’t start the sexual conversation, you shouldn’t either. She wasn’t ready for it, even though a month and a half is a long time. Since it’s been a week, ask her if she’s up for a coffee or something to get things back on track, and if she doesn’t answer, just move on and take it as an experience.

  3. 1 month isnt enough time to know someone enough to take them risk of having sex with them imo. especially if you’re looking long term and not sexually reckless. not surprising she was offended, especially if you’ve never had any type of sexual conversation before.

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