I’m a F who has regular intercourse with my M partner. We engage in oral sex, & fingering, both anal & vaginal. We are very clean, are monogamous, STD/STI free, & enjoy our play very much, but I notice that when we have both vaginal & anal fingering, I often end up with a UTI . Have any of you ever experienced this, & what do you think causes this to happen ?

  1. Do you let him finger you vaginally after he’s fingered you anally? If so, that’s the reason you’re getting a UTI. It’s a bad idea to stick anything that’s been in your anus back into your vagina. Whether it be fingers, toys, or genitals. Keep those holes entirely separate, and you’ll be fine.

  2. E coli traveling up thy urethra = uti. I would strongly suggest an enema prior to finger action followed by urinating and a shower. This may save you a course of antibiotics next time.

  3. Get him to wash his hands before you have sex. You could also make sure you’ve both showered and have clean public areas before you engage in foreplay. And ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS pee after you do sex anything.

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