It needs watering like once a week. I could ask my roommates but I’ve seen several dead plants on the kitchen counter so… I don’t really trust them with that. But I’ve never met my neighbour before. I moved in two months ago but I’m either in my room, on campus, or doing groceries, so we haven’t had a run in yet.

  1. Maybe. Have you tried googling how to water plants while away? A lot of DIY to be found. Depending on your plantar, maybe as easy as leaving a saucer of water underneath.

    Too little detail on the plant… but you may want to start saying hi and introduce yourself to that neighbor in passing as you see them.

  2. If you text a roommate to remind them and give them instructions on how to avoid over watering, it should be okay if your roommates have good intentions

  3. According to Benjamin Franklin, one of the best ways to make a new friend is to ask someone for a small favor. Once you show appreciation for that favor, they will look at you more favorably. Your neighbor might feel honored to that you trusted her to take care of your plant. It could give the two of you something to talk about and build a relationship on.

    But if you have no plans to interact with her after she watches your plant for you, then you probably shouldn’t ask.

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