What can a woman do on a first date that would make it the best first date that you’ve ever been on?

  1. Best first date:

    Invite him over for dinner and a movie. Make something nice. When he gets there, answer the door naked and hand him a glass of wine.

  2. Initiate

    Be engaging

    Paying for the date (it rarely happens to guys so that would make it memorable).

    Look nice. Not overly made up.

  3. Don’t cancel 5 min before, actually show up on time, engage in the conversation, don’t talk about exes, and if you see that he’s nervous, maybe take the reins and try to get a conversation going

    if the guy insists on paying, then pls don’t say that you’ll “get the next one” if you don’t plan on seeing him again… It just makes it seem like you were angling for a free meal even if you just said it to be nice

    I’ll take honest over nice any damn day

    I’ve had some bad experiences ngl

  4. Just show up on time, be pleasant and – above all else – be communicative and engaged all the way through.

    I don’t want to to feel like it will be on me to carry all of the communications and energy of the date while you just sit back for the ride and sit pretty.

    Akso: If I don’t even know your favorite color going into the affair, I damn well shouldn’t be expected to “Just Know” if someone I say or do is or isn’t making you comfortable or uncomfortable.

  5. By being honest and being herself. I don’t want the best version of her that she prepared for the date. I want to see the real her. That’s the her I want to get to know because if we’re gonna date that’s the version of her I’m going to be seeing all the time. I just want her to be herself

  6. Nothing. Relationships should be effortless, and as easy as breathing.

    If anything, show up with your real personality.

  7. Basically take part in planning something that resembles a day trip. Date is 4 to 6 or so hours long.

    Really take part in the conversation and make conversation. This includes asking about me at some point.

    Laugh at my jokes – if you’re a native English speaker, this isn’t hard because I’m hilarious. (I’m a sucker for a smile/laugh so…)

    Initiate any physical flirting. I’m not going to make that first move on the first date and it lets me know it’s going well.

    Pay your way. A date this long usually has multiple chances to pay for something, even if I get the meal/first ticket, I should see your purse come out at some point.

    Don’t ask about marriage, kids, plans to settle down etc. Just go in with the goal to enjoy the day with me. There’s plenty of time for that stuff later.

    I think most men would find this list generally unobjectionable.

  8. Initiate physical contact. I’m not necessarily talking about anything sexual, maintain your boundaries. I just mean that for a date to be successful there has to be some sort of physical chemistry and guys feel a lot of pressure to initiate and fear of doing so. Take his hand, or touch his arm. Make a move to give him a hug or if you want a kiss at the end, you go for it.

  9. I’m so confused because many of these comments say some variation of “take part in the conversation.”

    Is this really that uncommon in modern dating??

  10. Say “thank you for asking me on this date” I’d do backflips if I heard thank you

  11. Not go on her phone, making eye contact with me, if she brings up anything I’m interested in (anime and videogames).

  12. show up, smile, show interest, reciprocate, and be genuine. Just basic human decency.

    But if she don’t habitually do that with everyone (the lunch lady, postal worker, etc…) I’d probably pick up on that

  13. Be polite to both me and the staff. Use your manors. Don’t get drunk. Don’t expect me to pay (I would pay but the gesture of offering to split would show your not taking advantage of me). Don’t brag about your ex. Have a genuine conversation where we can get to know each other better. Try to help hold the conversation. Don’t be significantly late and if you will be late notify me. Don’t lie, you can’t build a relationship on lies. Dress for the occasion but don’t feel like you need to go overboard. Basically if we are eating at a nicer restaurant show up in something more casual than sweats and a graphic t-shirt. Offer me the last bite of cheesecake lol. Hug me goodbye after I walk you to your car at the end of the night.

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