You get to design a dating app without the weaknesses of other current dating apps, what kind of features does it have or not have?

  1. The biggest weakness of dating apps are the basic human nature. Of course tinder is just stupid with their algorithms and premium versions but the big problem on dating apps is how there are wayyyyy more men on them, that girls are too picky and dudes aren’t picky enough.

  2. It has a feature to filter by height ( to please the woman) can sort by salary, and filters out people that are constantly disliked so you get more attractive people, less of the unattractive peeps

  3. I’d call it MeetUp, and have it be a place where people could organize actual face-to-face activities where men actually do way better in meeting women than with soulless dating apps where men just get continuously crushed.

  4. It would be an app that leads you to the nearest real life bar or club where the type of women you like the look of hang out.

  5. No pictures are visible until you’ve matched with someone or hit a word count threshold, people would actually have to write a bio not just copy and paste some cringey quote they found on google and have a short conversation to see if they are compatible, once the word count has been reached both parties then get a notification if they would like to see the other persons photos, once the photos are unlocked you then get the option to unmatch or keep talking, it would have some trendy zoomer name like Blnd8 or some shit.

  6. It includes teleportation. That way you can sneak out of the house without mom or dad knowing.

  7. An algorithm that boosts the profiles that AREN’T getting any matches, rather than boosting the ones that already are.

    Otherwise, if you’re below average-looking, you get almost zero visibility after the first 2-3 days.

  8. It has no users and everyone just has to go outside and be vulnerable like grown-ups.

  9. People who are “here only for friends” get banned for life. Go to a park if you want to make friends, we here to fuck. You’re 25, looking to make friends… it’s too late bitch.

  10. In my opinion, the app and website features are the least of the issues with online dating. It’s the people that break the system: women being super picky, men sending unsolicited dick pics etc. Don’t get me wrong, though, sites like with features locked away until you pay do not help.

    If I were designing a site, I’d probably start with Bumble as the template in making women make the first contact. All photos would have to be of the person – none of this rubbish of having landscapes or motivational quotes instead of a picture of yourself. No core functionality would be locked behind a subscription (i.e. reading and sending messages). I’d maybe lose the standard profile text as we know it today and replace it with something akin to OK Cupid’s questions across standard categories: relationships and sex, family, career, personal etc. and then you can easily see how compatible you are with a match on those broader topics.

    Maybe, just maybe, there could be rewards for activity on the site/app outside of browsing/swiping like reporting improper profiles, or answering more questions than the minimum or adding more than one photo etc.

  11. Mine will have an in-built feature that erases or removes all filters and editing done on the face and body . **You get what you see** is the main usp of my app.

  12. No filters or photoshop and everything you want to post on their will have to go tru a lying detector … so profiles that are empty are a scam for sure

  13. An app that has to be 50/50 men and women. If you try to sign up and that ratio is off, you have to wait until either a woman signs up or a bloke deletes it.

  14. – Men can make a profile, but cannot swipe on anyone
    – Women can make a profile and have to swipe right on at least 1 out of every 5 profiles before the next set of profiles appear
    – If the guy they swiped on matches, they must engage in a conversation that lasts at least 5 different questions per person. And each person must type a response that is longer than 5 words. (I.e. there would be built-in software to check for this.)
    – After the 5 questions have been reached, both will have the option to either unmatch or stay matched.
    – There will be a penalty of 24 hours where your profile will be hidden if you don’t manage to maintain a match for 5 days (unless the reason you unmatched was because of harassment or gross/overly-sexual behavior)
    – Any profile that lists their other social media accounts will be banned.
    – Any profile that uses cat ears/filters in their photos will be banned
    – Any profile that is inactive for 5+ days will be hidden.
    – Any profile that only has face photos will be warned to get a body photo within 5 days or be banned.
    – Any profile that does not fill in their bio with more than 100 words within 5 days will be banned
    – Any profile that is reported for harassment 5 times will be banned.

    I’d call it Rule of 5.

  15. Actually need a bio. Real pics only. No passport mode, you actually have to be where you’re looking. Have a tag for transgender people. Require photo verification weekly. If inactive for 3 weeks your account is not shown anymore to others.

  16. So an app that removes the human element?

    I mean, that aside, you have to have a conversation with someone before you can see their photos. I’d be curious to see how many wouldn’t be able to handle that they’d have to actually have a good personality before they can meet someone.

  17. Grant me access to all your data and my machine learning algorithm will just give you X amount of people that are similar to you.

  18. Since modern online dating has already reduced everyone to profiles, I just accept that it probably won’t change so might as well double down on the catalog mind set:

    – mandatory “how much debt do they have and what kind of debt” field that is verified.
    – mandatory posted credit score that is also verified
    – mandatory annual income range
    – quick list of links for all their social media presence from Twitter, to Instagram, to LinkedIn and others. Have some sort of risk score posted in terms of “are they wannabe internet influencer? Do they consistently post highly sexualized photos? How often do they interact with followers they don’t know in real life” so I can avoid that type
    – verified if they are truly divorced or just separated
    – verified if they have zero children or not
    – verified recent weight and body measurements
    – a giant private survey on everyone’s sexual preferences and kinks and interests and what they are into or would be into, and that’s cross referenced with your private survey and when you match it lights up where you guys are compatible
    – verified what medications and for what people are taking it for

    I think what could happen is all this data is private- but the system takes your preferences and only shows you the people who hit your minimum bar of preferences. This way, people with unrealistic expectations have to sit with zero matches because if their expectations are so high, chances are that person that qualifies probably has expectations that the average man or woman won’t qualify for . It’s a forcing function for people to start adjusting their search/match parameters until they meet enough people.

    This works for men and women: women might adjust their height and income expectations, men might adjust their age and weight expectations etc etc

    I’d imagine this would be like a giant version of what this website is trying to illustrate:

  19. dating apps profit off of you NOT finding someone. We need to somehow reverse that and make them be financially incentivized by you actually finding someone. Maybe something like, you pay a set fee up front, and every week they pay back a portion of that until they lose all their money if you aren’t off the app within a set period of time.

  20. * No premium bs (hiding matches behind a paywall).
    * No way to connect your other social medias to it, and any mention to any of them is forbidden in your profile “Add me on X, I don’t use this app anymore”.
    * Minimum of 5 photos, all that your face can clearly be seen, no photo groups and no face close ups.
    * 3 days of inactivity is a suspended acc until you get back to it.
    * Preferences are available to all and are actually forced (Distance,sexual preference,ethnic and etc.) I’ve seen too many apps letting you put preferences, but showing you the opposite.
    * 24 hs window of talking to a match, and if not, the match is cancelled.
    * An algorithm that boost profiles with less interaction,matches and etc to level the play field.
    * 1 out of 5 consecutives profiles must be a swipe right, if not, the daily likes are done for the day.

  21. Rule of Two:

    Only two active matches can be had at any time. A third match will be deleted within 24 hours if a previous match isn’t unmatched.

  22. Basically, you only declare whether you’re looking for a hookup or something serious on match by match basis. The other person sees your choice after you two match, and can either engage or write off accordingly.

    That way you can browse for good matches who you might have a lot in common with, while also letting the pan goth girl with mental problems know that you’re down to fuck her good.

    That way you’re not broadcasting to the tri county area that you’re a total slut. And so you can occasionally get laid without driving away someone sincere.

  23. If you try to build one without playing on human nature like the others you’ll make less money and have trouble growing where they don’t.

  24. I am a little curious if an app based kinda sorta on the Love Is Blind netflix show would be a hit …. no pics … only gender identity, sexual preference, age, zip code, sexual preference looking for, and gender identity looking for … then you join text chat rooms … if both agree it can go to voice chat …. then you take it from there … I dunno – probably just a novelty … but I am curious if taking away visuals would increase matches

  25. I think dating apps just works better for those people who are looking really good in pictures. Afterall, everyone is choosing based on looks. Personality of the person can only be seen via their biographies which imo is something that can be worked upon easily. But I have to say dating app is all about luck I guess – just nice the algorithm show you this person’s profile and both of you converses really nicely.

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