I don’t mean to be a bitch but I’m 24 M and wish I had any shoulder to cry on now.

I’m just so so so exhausted. I’m a waste of a man. I’m trying so hard to put myself out there socially because I crave relationships but it’s difficult.

One, I’ve always been the loser in all my friend groups or the place holder friend and if I choose not to be the place holder I’m replaced. Finally stopped doing that and now I went from having a huge group to about 4 good friends.

Two, I honest to god don’t know why I’m so fucked up but 24 M who’s never been on a date or had sex. Yes I crave sex, and wanting to date I’m not asexual. The dating apps don’t work at all because I’m 5’6 brown and not physically fit but getting there. Plus I don’t have time or money for going to bars all the time cause grad school is so stressful and busy.

I’m at the point in my life where I feel I’ve lost the chance to make good friends. I also feel like this is the age women want good mature men not ones who literally couldn’t even get one date. I’ve talked myself out of suicide many times because I believe there’s still a sliver of hope. I just feel so beat down tho, any tips? I really don’t have a ton of money rn either.

  1. Go to the gym and start working out what you really care about and upping your self esteem. You are probably becoming the placeholder because you do not value yourself. You also seem to be studying medicine but not enjoying it. Might be worth you reconsidering what you care about. Theres nothing more offputting to people than someone who visibly hates themselves and has no interests. That’s what you need to fix. And stop thinking about dating when you’re still struggling with friends. Just put it on the backburner for a bit and actually work on your mental and physical health. Otherwise you’re never going to get a date anyway. But if you fix those things you will, you don’t have to be adonis himself to get dates.

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