So I had sex with my fwb on monday. It was great. I know he has obligations like a sick dad at home and also tomorrow is a snow day I doubt he can drive across the city. I am really trying to play it cool. Also I like when he blows up my phone after I ignore him. And this monday I was the one who texted first. To be quite fucking honest with you I have feelings for him. And we actually didnt even make the label fwb we just started off on a purely sexual basis and he never said dating was either on the table or off the table he did disclose he’s on dating apps looking for a relationship. So I am not sure what the boundaries are actually. I am wondering if it will be too clingy to text him something sexy (he’s always enthusiastic about that) or I should….play it cool and let him miss me first or text back a week later to see if he’s free? I am just really trying to be normal here. But tomorrow is a snow day and I dont wanna be alone. I wanna spend it with him. I have other people I can have over but I am really just missing him even though I saw him earlier. I feel weird and like I am catching feelings fast and need to dial down. And maybe only have sex with him for a while and also take breaks with how often I see him until we have a what are we talk or I become clear on my feelings? I just dont know how to deal with missing him and needing him so much. I think I am getting attached.

  1. The best thing is always being honest and don’t play mind games. If things work out while both express their feelings, then great, if not, at least you get s clear picture.

    Being considered when he is in a difficult situation at home can be nice, but he sure needs some time to enjoy your company.

  2. I feel like the best thing to do would be to tell him how you feel, if you really are catching feelings for him you don’t want to lost that opportunity by waiting and him possibly finding someone else

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