He refuses to entertain the idea of us breaking up if I ever mention it. But It’s like a conflict between my head and my heart. My heart wants to leave but my head wants to stay and he also wants me to stay.
I have schizophrenia and I am 100% financially dependent on him. I have no friends or family

  1. I understand how this can be a difficult situation for you. It’s important that, above all else, you prioritize your own health and wellbeing first. Letting go of any relationship is never easy, but it sounds like both your head and heart are in agreement here – you know the best thing would be to end this relationship for your personal safety and growth. I urge you to reach out for outside help from someone who does not have emotional ties with either of you — perhaps even a therapist — so they can guide you through the transition process safely. In addition, I would suggest looking into community resources where one-on-one supports may exist in terms of therapy, financial assistance or legal advice so that as soon as possible, you can become more independent again and reestablish other supportive relationships in your life.

  2. Lol, well sorry but you love him. No one wants to stay with someone they don’t love.
    Unless, you don’t want to leave him, because he is taking care of you. Then you needs to go, if you’re just using him.

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