Women of Reddit, if you were given the chance say “FUCK OFF/FUCK YOU” to literally anybody with no consequences, who would it be? And why?

  1. Jordan Peterson. He has an incredibly punchable face and I once had to be polite and sit through a dinner party with him. He’s as annoying in person.

  2. MIL. But fun fact, I actually got to and it was GLORIOUS.

    I would pay to do it again though.

  3. MIL. But fun fact, I actually got to and it was GLORIOUS.

    I would pay to do it again though.

  4. My old boss. He was just the worst in almost every way imaginable, but I’m early in my career and he really liked me as an employee, so I had to keep things civil when I quit in order to keep the good reference. I would absolutely jump at the chance to tell him off with no consequences.

  5. There is nobody in my life that I I feel that way about. If I feel that way I say it, then they don’t tend to visit much anymore after that.

  6. Currently – my ex best friend. I’m sure that’ll fade with time (or at least I hope).

  7. My old boss. I was a young, new manager, looking to do well and make a good impression and she absolutely bullied and belittled me in that role. I later found out she did the same thing to other young women in my team. She was absolutely awful and only landed in that role through pure nepotism. I wish I had told her off when I had the chance, but I moved overseas and I have no idea where she is now.

  8. Second Grade teacher.

    One of the worst if not the worst person I’ve ever met in my life. Truly someone that should never have been around children. Pretty sure she laid the groundwork for some irreversible damage on mine and all her classes’ psyches.

    The mild disappointment I felt the day I knew I was going to have her instead of the other woman for my teacher for the year was unwittingly mild to the experience of living it for nine months.

    If this is the most grievous thing I can say about it and one would call a sin, I won’t be upset when she’s dead.

  9. All the algorithms that are feeding kids dumb shit/hate. Baffles me how often folks are posting YouTube, Tiktok shit as sources/proof of some stupid shit they have come to believe.

    Where is their rebellion, cynicism, anger, and pushback about being force-fed crap.They aren’t even on my lawn so I can yell at them to get off. WTF is going on!

  10. Jeff Bezos. I’m sick of him ruining good franchises one after another (the rings, the foundation, with GoW on the way, potentially), just because he can. To say the least.
    Also, my maid of honor. We didn’t know each other prior to the wedding, I just didn’t have anybody else to ask and my now husband didn’t want her to feel left out by “using” only the maid’s husband as best man. She’s a imply b*tch, belittling me and husband for anything, simply because we’re nothing like her (think basic extroverted person, party animal and all, for her as introverts and metalheads we’re aliens). But for some reason always requiring my attention for everything and tries to change me and my values? Good thing is that she lives in another city. I just don’t want anything to do with her.

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