Hi all,

Ex(M34) broke up 5m ago. We texted and want to meet again. He said he maybe wanted to come over next weekend. I (F31) replied “okay”. And we didn’t text after that. Now I wonder if he comes over or not? I don’t want yo be to pushy..I mean, we haven’t seen eachother for 5m. Should I ask him if he still plans on coming over that he can bring my lunchboxes back? That way I know if he comes over or not..plus I really would like to get the boxes back.

Your thoughts on this? Or should I ask him another question? Please ur suggestions. Help me out


TL;DR: don’t know what to text ex after bring seperated for 5m. We want to meet again, but the convo quite died. Shall I text him to know if the weekend is still on? And if yes, what shall I text?

1 comment
  1. Text nothing. Ball is in his court. Why can’t you guys talk together over the phone or in person? Texting seems so impersonal.

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