I was watching the news and it said something about a bill being passed in Congress that will cause poerto rico to vote to either gaining independence or joining the Union. So what are your thoughts.

  1. I’m in favor of either independence or statehood, whichever they choose. I would love a solid majority decision.

  2. Seems like they’ve been voting on it every couple of years for a long time now. I wish Congress would just shit or get off the pot and act on the prior votes rather than doing another round.

  3. I like it, but I doubt it will pass the Senate by the end of the year, so it’s a dead issue at this time. I’d support Puerto Rico’s vote. I’d personally prefer they become a state.

  4. Going with the flow of comments so far. I would welcome them as a state. I would certainly miss them as a part of the US and its territories if they decide to go the independence route, but I would also completely understand, wish them the best, and hope they have a great and prosperous future.

  5. I’m fine with whatever the people of PR decide, but would really like a majority. My understanding with previous referendums is no majority was reached.

  6. Ultimately I think it depends on what PR wants to do, I don’t think my opinion super counts. I think they either deserve the benefits of statehood, or they deserve the US’s support while they figure out what their independence looks like

  7. >something about a bill being passed in Congress that will cause poerto rico to vote to either gaining independence or joining the Union

    Nope. The House passed a bill. The bill is expected to die in the Senate though as it requires 60 votes to pass and Republicans aren’t going to support it. Most news is already saying it’s not going to pass. This was pretty much just a symbolic move from the House which so it’s meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Puerto Rico will continue as a territory for at least another two years. We can try again at the next election

  8. Whatever they choose, I’m happy to support. If they want independence than so be it. If they want to be a state then I welcome the 51st state to the union. We’ll have to make a new version of the “Fifty Nifty” song though.

  9. I’d be happy for Mississippi if Puerto Rico voted for statehood.

    They could change the signs at the border to “No longer the worst.”


  10. Whatever they go with is fine by me. It’d be pretty cool to have a new state, but it’s their decision to make.

  11. I don’t like having territories that don’t get representation. I have an all or nothing mindset. I’ll support whatever the votes outcome is.

  12. I would like to see them become a state, but I don’t live there so I hope they vote for whatever works best for them.

  13. As a conservative this makes me different from many of my ideological kin but I support it. DC is a bit different because of the Constitution and the weird logistical problems that DC would cause(like for instance, if you envelope it into Virginia or Maryland, you may end up with just Pennsylvania Avenue having 3 electoral votes) but as a matter of principle, I support statehood for all of our territories that want it. We were created as a rebellion against colonialism and empire, it’s long past time for us to come to terms with our imperial past and integrate our territories into the American family, if they want to be a part of it.

  14. I think Puerto Rico should become a state. PR would be a disaster as a foreign nation and it would benefit greatly from statehood. Republicans will kill it in the Senate though because they’re worried PR will elect Democrats (and behind closed doors, probably because they don’t want another majority-minority state)

  15. The bill passed in the House, but doesn’t have the 60 votes needed to break a filibuster in the Senate. It won’t be passed, so it’s moot.

    Previous referendums have consistently shown growing support for statehood in Puerto Rico and declining support for independence.

    I’ll support whatever the people of Puerto Rico vote for, but I doubt Congress will allow them a binding referendum. Practically speaking, it’s because Republicans don’t want Puerto Rico to reach statehood, because they see them as too likely to be a “blue” state and give two more Senators to the Democrats.

    . . .because while Puerto Ricans are fairly socially conservative, the Republican Party has done a lot to alienate Latino voters over the last decade or so, and they don’t think the odds of Puerto Rico voting for Republican congresspersons is very high.

  16. If Puerto Rico becomes a state I wouldn’t be surprised if a couple other territories get statehood.

  17. Puerto Rico.

    And they keep voting against statehood. They can’t survive as an independent nation either.

  18. They need a final referendum so I’m for it.

    I would hope they vote for statehood. I really don’t think they’d make it on their own.

  19. It’s a Democrat power grab to get two more senate seats that they feel confident will be blue. Puerto Rico hasn’t been super interested in this in the past. Democrats have openly talked about adding states to pad the senate. Republicans probably would too if they could but that’s what’s going on.

  20. I’d completely support whatever decision they make, but I fear it will not be a very decisive vote with three choices. If 40% vote state, 30 free association and 30 independence did they really want to be a state?!

  21. puerto rico should get to decide on it’s own. if it’s citizens choose to be a state, then i think we should support them. however it’s not a consensus there. it’s the majority, i believe, but only just. this is an internal matter for the people there. if this vote is something they asked for in support, then i support it. if it’s a nudge to try to make them decide, then i don’t support it.

  22. Personally, I see the example that is set with Quebec in Canada. The US has enough problems as it is, we don’t need our own Quebec. We should either give them status as an associated free state (like Palau), complete independence, or heavy national government investment into English language literacy, with a plan for option for statehood once a certain amount (say 75%) of Puerto Ricans living on the island reach a certain proficiency in the English language. Whichever one, their choice, but not statehood as things are.

    USVI, DC, Guam, and Marianas Islands on the other hand should most certainly be looked at for potential statehood. For all territories, there should be a referendum of either independence, associated state status, linguistic integration with the aim of statehood, or (for the already English-speaking portions), statehood.

    The current arrangement is terrible and reeks of colonialism, and we, along with the people of these territories, need to decide once and for all whether they are to be treated as one of the states, or as some form of of independent country.

  23. I like my stars even numbered and divisible by 10. Is it arbitrary and meaningless? Yes. Does it satisfy my smooth brain? Also yes.

  24. All of the US’s Colonies (they’re officially called territories but let’s be honest they’re colonies) should be given the choice of independence or becoming a state.

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