In conversations do you just have thoughts that pop up in your head when you’re talking that you use to further the conversation? Like can you describe what happens in your mind when you are in a conversation and not just a conversation but in any situation where you’re socializing with someone.

  1. It’s usually something someone says like a word or a phrase and a thought will run parallel to what the person is saying. I hang on to that thought and wait for the person to stop talking and I add my thoughts. I listen the whole time Incase what I say after their done talking is irrelevant. Only time I accidentally interrupt is if I can truly relate to what that person said (I have to feel it in my soul haha) Most of the time it’s from a memory or an experience I had or a matter of opinion. That’s where I mostly pull my conversation techniques. If I don’t know what the person is talking about I ask questions and if it’s something they are really into they will tell you all about it. I like seeing other people excited when they talk about things they are into. This is coming from someone who was severely shy as a kid and had to come up with techniques to avoid awkwardness in a conversation. Dead air gives me anxiety haha oh! And don’t let curiosity stop you. No such thing as a dumb question. Hope this helps

  2. No no you are fine. My memory is crap too and lately I have forgotten what my point was mid sentence (that’s super embarrassing) or forgot my thought by the time they finish talking. I guess you could say the person talking has planted a seed and it is automatic but Ive learned to filter and rethink before it actually comes out of my mouth. I’ll be your friend! Lol that sounded kinda creepy haha Don’t give up hope! If it helps when someone says “close your eyes and imagine (for example) the number 8 in polka dots” I can’t do it. It’s just black when I close my eyes. I found out some people can’t do this I thought it was everybody.

  3. It kind of depends on the tone of the conversation. If someone is trusting info in me or venting then I listen with the intent of showing the person they are being acknowledge and say supportive phrases or even try to make a small suggestion or two not too invasive. If it’s more of an opinion base (political or moral stand point) it’s multiple thoughts and I pick the most appealing that will keep the conversation going. Oh wow! Gosh I wish I had that! It wouldn’t feel so lonely in my brain lol I only found out that fun fact a few months ago. What’s it like?

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