My wife’s best friend..usually whenever she invites her friends to an event, like an upcoming “friendsmas”, never invites the spouse or fiance.

Now, I know it’s somewhat normal to only want to hang with your friends, and not their spouses, it seems more common with younger people.

I’m 30, and my parents are in their early 70’s, and the social etiquette I grew up with was “married couples are a package deal, if one is invited, it’s usually assumed the other one goes with”.

I rarely saw my parents hang out separately, unless it was a “hen party” or a “guys fishing trip” kind of gendered setting.

Which is kinda of an alien concept to me when it comes to my wife’s best friend. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not being singled out or anything, like other couples can come and I can’t, but feeling left out kinda sucks.

I’ve recently been put on a combo anti depressant and anxiety med which seems to help a lot, as I’m not upset or mad I feel left out, but for whatever reason it raises my stress and causes me to get angry sometimes, which it is quite unfair of me to take that anger out on my wife.








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