What can I say, it’s a catchy title! Sorry if you are tired of my posts appearing on your feed. Will not post for a while after this one.

After reading comments from men and women on the shorter and taller sides, I will try OLD by being more upfront about my height. I am looking forward to what kinds of different women I will be able to meet compared to when they did not know beforehand.

Here is how my profile on Bumble looks like, any suggestions, comments?


  1. You’re handsome .You have a charm going for you 🙂 I wish you the best

    I’m a 5’7 female , curious what’s you’re height cut off off for woman

  2. Hey! You went through with it!

    I hope you update us when some lucky lady has locked you down 😊

  3. Don’t feel insecure about your hight. Your confidence of not caring about it will draw in just as much attention

  4. Well shit, I saw your post the other day. I’m 5’7 and you looking like that screws me out of the running!

    Good luck my dude.

  5. My uncle was 5′. A charmingly gallant eccentric with a British drawl, he was convinced women judged him for his height. The last summer I visited him, I watched three women flirt *hard* with him – the banker, an adorable middle-age redhead, told me she’d been trying to talk him into a date for years. He thought the women pitied him. Nope!

  6. Oh dude you’re good. You look secure, you dress well, you’re an engineer. Of course you will be too short for some. I’m 5’8 and the last three girls I dated were 5’9, 5’10, & 5’9. Less of a gap but I guarantee you if I was all worried about it, my height would matter a lot. Just don’t “act short.” By that I mean don’t act the way that most short guys act, like they already know their place in the world so they just shrink themselves even more and stay out of the way. The most unattractive thing about short guys is that they act like short guys. You look like a well put-together dude. I guarantee you there’s a cute little gymnast somewhere who wont date a guy over 5’6. Ive met them. Guys have the luxury of being able to define our own attractiveness through intangibles: confidence, competence, psychologically fit and emotionally sound. Thats all you need bro. Its admirable that you put yourself out there to be vulnerable. Take it into account, that’s fine but you don’t need anymore input after this. I’m tellin you you’re good brother.

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