Hi everyone!

I recently broke up with my partner of 4 years and I’m really worried about turning 30 and still not finding someone… currently I’m just on apps for hook ups/to get a feeling of autonomy.

I don’t want to get into the reasons why I broke up with my ex, in sum I didn’t feel relaxed in his presence. It has been painful but I haven’t cried and feel numb but I think I emotionally checked out ages ago.

My question is – how do I take the time to be single and just have casual connections (which I need to feel comfortable being alone) while also not feeling anxious about time? I feel like in my head 30 is like some type of deadline but I don’t feel emotionally ready for another relationship for a while.

I’m a lawyer/solicitor and I feel so unaccomplished and unhappy when I get home. If you click on my profile (please don’t judge me)… just trying to explore.

Hope someone can give me some advice so I don’t freak out ☺️

  1. Imo I feel like its alot easier for women to move on. Women choose who they want to be with.. men have to create options for themselves and work with what they have…

    If you are looking for casual relationships then Im sure it would not be hard for you.

    Imo its alot better being woth someone you care about and know.. while getting to know their body and them as a person on a deeper level than casual relationships.

    Sometimes casual relationships are not worth it imo but I think it all comes down to the moment really…

  2. 30 isn’t a magical number. Try to avoid putting artificial weight on this number. You’re still young, you have time to figure out what you want. You’re not tied down but this is a good thing because you still have options. Maybe try talking to a therapist if you have a hard time figuring out what you want.

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