I have never have had a boyfriend and I am okay with that.

I just got home from my first semester and all anyone wants to know is if I “met a guy” or “have a boyfriend” now. I cannot explain how annoying it is when I am really just trying to focus on my education.

All my friends met guys during the first semester and have been calling me “weird” for not wanting a relationship.

I guess I’m just starting to question myself. Is this something I should worry about? I don’t want to end up being alone forever.

  1. First of all, you don’t need to want a partner. It’s perfectly normal to focus on yourself. You’re not weird or strange for never having a boyfriend and just because these girls have a boyfriend it doesn’t mean they aren’t weird themselves. It’s weirder that they’re picking on you for something so small.

  2. Not a big deal. Your worth isn’t defined by a dude. I doubt most of your friends will be dating these guys in a year or two. Totally fine to focus on your studies.

  3. Nope its actually a smart choice imo.

    Concentrate on your studies, hang out with friends, meet different people, date multiple guys and have fun! You only get to do it once.

  4. I didn’t have a girlfriend until my fifth year (5 year school due to internships half the time after freshman year).

    You’re fine. Finding or not finding someone at college does not dictate whether you are a success or failure.

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