How much of a privilege is it to go to college/university in North America?

  1. It’s easier to get into college than it is to join the military, and college is mostly worthless and gets you into huge amounts of debt that cannot be erased via declaring bankruptcy.

    Go to a trade school instead.

  2. Going to college? Hard to say but with nearly 6,000 universities, colleges, and community colleges, there’s opportunity for anyone who truly wants to go to college to find somewhere to go. They may not always be able to get their top choice, but there are almost always options.

    Going to college with minimal debt? Massive privilege. I should know. While I never finished, I never had loans either. My oldest child graduated three years ago and thanks to academic scholarships, help from my parents, and money I set aside, he graduated with less than $8k in loans which have long since been paid off. My youngest is graduating this year and will be in similar circumstances. Considering that average student loan debt hovers around $30,000, both of my kids are extremely privileged to be able to graduate in this financial position and I make sure they’re aware of that.

  3. Wouldn’t say much of a privilege… how financially well off you are after college I would say could be a privilege

  4. Realistically pretty much everyone can go to college. However, they will do so by amassing a tremendous debt. So, functionally just getting into and attending any university really isn’t a privilege at all. Being able to do so debt free or without having to work while attending? That would be the privilege.

  5. it’s a privilege when you compare it to other countries like the UK where everyone and their dog has a university degree.

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