Those who have dated with an age gap, how did/is it go(ing)?

  1. I was 23, he was 36.

    We broke up after about a year because he wanted to move much faster than I did, including talking about us having kids before I even knew whether or not I *wanted* kids. Feel like the age gap was probably a factor there, definitely on the part of me not knowing that I really wanted yet.

  2. It’s really difficult. I wouldn’t recommend it. Being a few minutes older than my sister makes a world of difference in life experience.

  3. I was 28, she was 33.

    Do not recommend. Chicks at that age will have more emotional baggage, and while she wasn’t pressuring me, I felt an internal pressure to expedite dating marriage children etc. Which I wasn’t ready for.

    I feel bad I wasted her time at an age she really should’ve been with somebody who didn’t mind her age. Not to mention hurting her emotionally when I said I couldn’t commit.

  4. Just celebrated our 8-year anniversary, have 3 kids , 4th on the way. I’m 35 about to be 36 in March, shes 25, the age has never really been a problem for us, none of my friends made a big deal about it, her father was not a fan at first but I think that was more due to my delinquent background than just the age Gap, but we’re cool now

  5. I was 22 and she was 18.

    I quickly realized she was too immature for me. There was a lot of drama, I don’t know what I was expecting going into it. It was exciting and that counts. When I broke up with her she was sad, but after we met some time later she agreed we wouldn’t have lasted anyways. We still had our fun though together, it was a short roller coaster. She’s 20 now and definitely developed emotionally, we are good friends now.

  6. I dated a 24 year old recently. She had no drive, no ambition, no direction, and kept using words I didn’t know (“bet”, “dead”, etc.).


  7. I was 32 and he was 51. We were together for 10 years but just recently split. Age does have an effect due to outside opinions that are annoying. When I date men I don’t date only hot guys or my age. I absolutely loved his posotive happy go lucky attitude, he had confidence (faked it but it worked), and he made me feel special and wanted. Sexual chemistry was awesome. He was always and still is willing to help when I need. He is a good man for the most part. Everybody has flaws. He was insecure early on and I attempted t0 reassure him even though that’s something i wouldn’t normally do.
    People who were jealous..his ex made sure to sabotage what we had. It was just disgusting. He and worked through it. Past pains interfere and resentment is undeniable. This man showed me what love actually was. I absolutely adore him.
    He kicked me out before Thanksgiving. It took me until last night to realize my actions and stress left him no choice. I was just mad at him for making promises and treating me the worst then anybody by far.
    I can’t be mad. I’m a brat. A brat that wishes we were together. People make mistakes. But being with a man 18 years older then me can never be a mistake. All I can do is be available to stay on his life if he lefts me. I can’t loose him completely. That Man is the best ( besides my son of course) thing thar ever happened to me. Any woman would be lucky to have him.

  8. Not so much ‘dating’ but I was sleeping with a 40 year old when I was 24, good times. 🤘🏻

  9. I’m currently 40, single, have a hard time meeting women my own age as they are either married, in a relationship, very high maintenance or cooked.

    Youngest I’d go, MAYBE 28, but feel even that’s young for a 40 year old, would depend on her personality & maturity, oldest, don’t know, 45? As I’d like to have a family some day.

    Honestly, I just don’t see it happening, would love to meet someone to spend the rest of my days with, give my parents grandchildren, make some feel special, safe & loved.


    Excuse me, I’ve got something in my eye.

  10. It went pretty well. I was 18 at the time and she was 31. One of the most wild experiences i had

  11. About 1/3 of the women I’ve dated have been around 10 years older than me. Zero games. Lots of good sex. All of them either had an iud or were on the pill. Good times 😁.

  12. Once dated a woman older than me. More of a hook up until I made her a shitty birthday cake and she fell in love. She would not tell me her age. I was 26 and she was probably in her early 40’s.

    I met a woman I wanted a real relationship with. Left the older woman for the one that fit me better. The older woman was not a coffee person but I was, She was into the Hello Kitty and ordered a hello kitty coffee maker. I did feel a little shitty about that.

  13. I was 17. She was 23. Dropped out of high school and moved in with her. Lasted 6 months. I’ve lived a life of mediocrity since.

  14. I’m 23. I’m dating a soon to be 35 year old. So far, going awesome. We’ve been best friend’s for 4 and a half years before dating. I love her to pieces.

  15. Much more relaxed. Girls in their early to mid 20s are wilder for sure, but at least they don’t run around trying to start a family after knowing me (31) for 6 months. The amount of…. ***accidents*** the ladies in their late 20s and early 30s are having is astonishing.

  16. My friend dated a 19 year old. He is 41. (broke up recently)

    She had no personality and acted like a robot. Amazing girl (Even her friends notice her behavior).

  17. 20F and 30M, he had no ambition, no motivation, and all he did was smoke weed all day. You think you’re different, but there’s a reason they’re not dating people their own age!

  18. It was great. Both times. My first two serious relationships were both with older women while I was an undergraduate student. One was a teacher and one worked in a famous library at a very famous university.

    Age is irrelevant (within certain, legally-defined limits, obviously), as it’s all about the person. Anyone who says otherwise is either a puritan or needs to meet better people.

    Some of my best friends are women in their early to mid twenties because we share interests and values.

  19. My partners tend to be 5-10 years younger than me (42M). The largest age difference was 15 years once (my most recent ex), my current partner is 11 years younger than me. I also shortly dated a woman 10 years older than me. None have ever been a problem so far, apart from very minor stuff (Like my current partner being a smartphone addict, while I can easily go a weekend or holiday without one). Equally, there’s some pros, like – obviously – her probably being a bit hotter than a woman my age, but also me getting along more easily with her parents than I probably would if they were similarly older.

  20. Dated a 35 year old when I was 27.
    She was absolutely batshit insane but I did learn a lot and pick up a lot of interesting hobbies.

    Dated a 19 year old when I was 30.
    It was kind of boring. People that young don’t really have interesting personalities yet. We stopped dating quickly but she’s still one of my best friends.

  21. My ex was 18 years younger than me & for both of us it was the best relationship we’d ever had. We broke up because she went to study in the US and tje distance thing didnt work but we’re still friends.

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