What’s the biggest mistake you’ve watched someone make in their personal life?

  1. The biggest mistake I’ve seen someone make in their personal life is not being honest with themselves. They try to be someone they’re not and end up living a lie.

  2. My best friend married a man she’d only been dating for 9 months and never lived with. He’s an emotionally abusive POS and it’s killing me hearing her stories about him.

  3. A friend of mine’s dream was to buy and own a home. She was super passionate about it, checking zillow, watching real estate shows, etc.

    She was getting her ducks in a row to the point of securing a loan from the bank.

    Theeeen she decided to quit her job impulsively over something minor.

    The bank immediately withdrew the loan, she couldn’t find another job and ended up moving back in with her parents, where she still is today, years later.

  4. My sibling abandoning their daughter, biggest mistake of their life. The sad part is, they don’t see it that way.

  5. Continue on with their wedding as planned when they were having major relationship problems. They are now getting divorced.

  6. My mother going back to the same pos over and over again. He was an abusive alcoholic ah. She was finally forced to move far enough away that staying with him wasn’t an option.

  7. My friend took on an extra role at work for an extra few grand but it stresses him out hugely, causes health issues and limits his family time. Not worth it.

  8. One of my high school friends decided to date my high school even though she knew how toxic my ex was. My friends and I warned her about his toxic behavior she ignored us and proceeded to cut contact with us to date him.

    My friend and ex get married and have a kid together, my ex turns out to be abusive and leaves my friend and their kid, my friend was a SAHM and after my ex left her, she was almost broke, turned back to her old friend group she abandoned years ago for help.

  9. A former childhood friend had two children with the same deadbeat, six whole years apart, and he was dating someone else when they conceived both children.

  10. Not chasing a dream, remaining where they are because they’re comfortable. Staying with a partner who doesn’t value them.

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