like they’re both still giving each other’s people rides to the ISS. the last NASA mission to the ISS had a cosmonaut on board

  1. Usually, I don’t give it much thought, but since Russia is acting the way they are, I wish we still had our own space shuttles and were doing things Cold War style. Same with China.

  2. Welcome back /u/grapp.

    I don’t know anything about it but I’m fine with it. We can oppose their actions in Ukraine without dropping all cooperation with the country. Personally, I find all the anti-Russia stuff a little much. I’ve commented about it before but r/chess has basically scrubbed all mention of Russia on the sub. Even graphics highlighting upcoming tournaments removes all Russian flags despite the amount of Russians playing in them.

  3. I think it’s kind of cool. Also, I desperately want to know if any of the astronauts/cosmonauts receive any special super secret training on contingency plans should relations degrade to the point that one country tries to “claim” the ISS.

  4. I’m not shocked. Ukraine is a mess that we should have never gotten involved with back in 2010

  5. 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

    In all honesty I haven’t given it any thought. But now that I do, I think it should be business as usual. There’s no reason to being the conflict into other settings if we’re already working together.

  6. Welcome back grapp.

    We don’t have to exclude Russian people from scientific missions. Astronauts are not sharing sensitive information, they’re primarily scientists. We should have extremely strict sanctions against the Russian state right now, but choking off a scientific mission isn’t really high on my list. One could argue that it’s a vanity mission for Russia or they have a commercial gain from the missions, but…really?

  7. I don’t see the value in most nada spending, but this is a little bit of diplomatic good will with both countries and that’s a good thing.

  8. As I understand it Soyuz is the main method of getting astronauts to and from the ISS, at the moment, so I’m glad it has continued.

  9. I hope the cooperation continues for the sake of science and the astronauts’ and cosmonauts’ safety.

  10. I regard Nasa’s work (and similar organizations around the world) as work for humanity. It’s a higher goal than just one country vs another. I’m glad they can work with each other past such conflicts. Gives me hope the attitude will spread one day.

  11. I don’t know anything about it, but I feel like space and science should be politically neutral, as much as it can be.

  12. I’m all for it. I dislike the Russian government, not the Russian space agency. I don’t why we shouldn’t help each other

  13. I don’t believe they work as closely together as they did. That said, the war in Ukraine, like all wars, will eventually come to an end. Political crises come and go. I thnik any interruption in US-Russian cooperation on space related issues will be temporary.

  14. I support it. Anything we are working together on is something we are not trying to kill each other over.

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