Stems from a conversation I once had with my old landlady (she was some sort of hippy artist in the 60s, now a full time hypochondriac) and she said she gave her kids brandy to help them sleep. Is/was that actually a thing or was she just mad?

For what it’s worth her kids all turned out alright (imo).

Eta: Thanks reddit, guess my old landlady is just old. I haven’t seen her since 2020 but she should be around 80 now.

  1. Idk but when my sis in law turned down a glass of wine cos she was breast feeding all of the older generation said “fuck that shit, have three, do you want that kid to sleep or not?”

  2. I’d heard of dipping the dummy in a spirit from way back when, but don’t know anyone who’s done it recently.

  3. Was definitely a thing in the past. My grandad used to be an advocate of it when I was a baby apparently. Ironically, I don’t like brandy (or whisky, which he also used).

  4. It was definitely a thing that older generations used to do, and I’ve even heard of using children’s hay fever or cough syrup that used to make them drowsy too. It wouldn’t surprise me if some people still do it, but I can’t imagine it’s a good thing to do.

  5. I’ve heard of it to help soothe teething (like rubbing it on their gums) but not to sleep.

    Wouldn’t be advised, although I don’t think I’ll attempt the gum one when teething starts for our bairn.

  6. Yeah, but they also used laudanum as cough mix in the olden days, so take it all with a pinch of salt.

  7. Yes ,but the problem is lower alcohol proof drinks -each beer or glass of wine courses the destruction of the dendrites on about 200 axion brain nerves a stronger drink like brandy,vodka causes this to happen to about 500 brain nerve cells. Most people talk about these brain cells as dead ,but it is that they can never communicate with the other cells or the body again. It increases chances for depression,anxiety and the information,perhaps the memories that day are gone forever

  8. Used to be. And further back, opium. I believe both are discouraged these days. You have to wait until they are five for booze. Not sure about opium.

  9. In the early eighties, I remember “gripe water” to settle babies tummy problems, which contained alcohol.

  10. Yeah it was a thing, and the generation that did it were given opium when they were babies.

    I guess the equivalent nowadays are those little ‘homeopathi’ sugar sachets the least educated of society give their babies

  11. My old nan was a big believer in a drop of whisky ,she also used to give me a drag of her fag as well when i was a bit bigger 8 or 9 lol. Over 60 years ago now though.

  12. I don’t think the brandy thing is because she’s old and from a generation that you wonder if they did things like that; none of my elderly relatives/neighbours ever did such a thing, it sounds positively Dickensian! I think she’s just very, very eccentric [but like you say, her kids have survived! But not a recommendation.]

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