I did not have an issue drinking until about 6 years ago. I would NEVER get drunk but I got divorced and started dating a partier. Once he became abuse, I began self medicating, as my therapist put it.

I went to AA for him (he called me a crazy alcoholic). But after I started getting involved in AA and not drinking…he then got jealous of my friends there and said I was going there to meet men. You get the picture.

We FINALLY broke up after I got the strength and my drinking was better. I was down to a few glasses of wine a day..instead of a bottle or 1.5 of wine per day.

Then I started dating again… and met a guy who was indeed an alcoholic and I started to keep up with him. It was rough..I drank far too much.. and the relationship ended in November.

I quit drinking for a few months and then began moderating… a couple of drinks a week etc.

Well I just went out of town with my new boyfriend and I drank heavily. I found myself drinking at breakfast… lunch and dinner. Yesterday, I think I had the equivalent of 2 bottles of champaigne. However, I ate enough and spaced it out.. I don’t think anyone noticed.

But I’m wondering… is drinking that much while out of town on vaca w a partner… too much? Idk if I have a problem and I don’t even know what’s normal anymore… at AA there were tons of people who were legit drunk .. alll the time. I am not THAT bad. But clearly I have some concerns.

Would appreciate advice thanks

  1. >I am not THAT bad

    The hallmark of an alcoholic is that their definition of what a “real” alcoholic is, is always slightly worse than where they’re at.

  2. Listen you have a problem and you have yet to admit said problem.

    You will see a lot of alcoholics don’t even play this game of limits with their sobriety. It’s no alcohol point blank period.

    So while you feel “you’re not THAT bad” I think what you really mean (if you continue down this road) you’re not THAT bad YET.

    You have a problem with setting the limits, boundaries, and with accountability.

    Work the steps. Not because you ex manipulated you into something but because you really want to get better before things get worse

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