What the hell happened? I was 20 years old at the time and had acne and a weird haircut and didn’t know how to dress yet I was matching with and talking to so many pretty girls it blows my mind. I look my absolute best and have way more self awareness so what gives? I haven’t matched or talked to a single girl that Im even remotely into in over a year and im at a point where I’m going to ditch online shit for good. I live in the same place as I did 5 years ago so it’s not location. At this point I’m convinced that the apps are simply not as popular as they once were, odds are really really bad for guys and I’m bottom of the wolf pack even though I’m definitely not ugly, I also can admit to myself that maybe I’m just not as good as I think and my look doesn’t have broad appeal. But why was I once able to get all these girls that I really liked? It’s so bizarre to me. Does anyone else feel the same ?

  1. They worsened their algorithms to milk more money. You now have to pay for boosts etc. Its pretty bad without them. I went back to one after a four year relationship and quality is down. Almost everyone i matched with has kids in their early 20s!! I just don’t want baby daddy drama, had a bad experience.

  2. back then, it was new. now, women are burned out. They have a lot more emotional scars from unfavourable encounters and have left the app in droves. The gender ratio is now far more heavily skewed. And Tinder now prioritizes monetization over everything else, which means if it ever even works, it only really works if you pay if you are a man

  3. 5+ years ago, online dating apps weren’t as popular as they are now, along with women probably weren’t as inundated with options as they are now.

    Not only this, societal standards and the pressure to ‘fit in’ has only gotten worse, especially with social media being such a driving force, as opposed to 5 years ago. So, if you don’t have a good quality online dating profile with pictures that showcase a bit of your personality, you don’t have a spark in your eyes in your pictures, the amount of matches you receive won’t necessarily be the best.

  4. Tinder now days is a social media/business/escort promoting platform run by bots or clout chasers, before OF, “followers” on Insta and all those things were big, yes tinder was amazing 5 year ago, now it’s a joke

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