For example, my dad thinks my brother’s pets are unnecessary because “grown men don’t need cats.”

  1. Compliments! I remember distinctly talking to some girlfriends and the topic of compliments came up and I said I enjoy complimenting men just as much as women and men really light up when you do. The other women just looked at me weird and agreed (amongst eachother) that men don’t really need compliments as much as women.

    I also don’t reserve words, if a man is gorgeous or beautiful or pretty or cute, I say so! There’s no need to gatekeep words and I’ve only had a few people not like being called cute but they were kinda egotistical/macho anyway so whatever haha.

  2. “Men aren’t supposed to like fruity drinks, they’re gay. Real men drink water or beer” Okay? Why do “Real men” have to deprive themselves of likeable things?

  3. Personal hygiene, apparently being disgusting it’s highly associated with being manly, for an awful lot of people, and I really hope this trend dies soon.

  4. Using a straw, was told that’s gay, using moisturizer, because having dry skin in the freezing cold is manly, sunscreen, because that’s gay too somehow, wearing PPE, the list goes on

  5. “Men arent meant to be cooks in a kitchen”
    Got that told by a female coworker, in a kitchen with a almost all male kitchen crew (she was the only female staff we had at the time)

  6. Using baby wipes to clean after I poop. I guarantee my booty hole is cleaner than those guys that only use toilet paper

  7. I was working in a store and had allergies fucking me up. Sniffles, sinus headache, sneezing, etc. I had a frequent female customer tell me it was “girly” to be sick. Not that I was complaining about it, just the mere fact that I was obviously sick was “girly”
    So, men never get sick? I don’t know wtf that was about.

  8. I expressed to my wife that I wouldn’t mind being a SAHD and she asked ‘what self-respecting man with an advanced degree wants to be a SAHD?’ so I shrugged and raised my hand. My work is nice and all, but my kids are more fun.

  9. i had my professor tell us about how if he saw another man drinking a mixed drink ( a cocktail ) he would think less of them as a man

  10. If you’re not confident enough to give another man a compliment or to recognize a “good looking man” then you probably have a bunch of self worth and well being to work on.

  11. A real man wouldn’t get sick like that. That was said to me when I had the flu about 4 years ago

  12. I grew up being told I wasn’t allowed the color pink. It was my favorite color. Nothing I had could be pink except things that made sense like a toy Patrick from SpongeBob. To be fair to my parents, I was already getting bullied at the time, and this was in Utah at a time when gay was a slur and a cuss word to schools.

    Today however, I collect pink flamingos. I have an outfit that has flamingos head to toe. A hat, hoodie and socks. I finally can have my old favorite color back.

  13. I bought a sewing machine for a variety of things a while back. My dad came over, saw it, looks at me weird and says “Really?”. Yea really, it’s practical as fuck to be able to fix my own clothes or even make some. Plus I was doing cosplay at the time (Which they also frown upon). Made my ex a weighted blanket and I was really proud of it, but fuck if I could tell my parents and expect any positive sentiment.

  14. Cars

    Look, I don’t give a shit about cars. Have a really old one that I use to get from one point to the other and that’s all what matters to me. All cars for me are the same and I don’t know anything about it – my mechanic does. But I constantly hear “how don’t you know this, you’re a man” anytime someone asks me something about car.

  15. Breakfast in bed. Couple years ago my in laws were here on fathers day. My daughter wanted to make me breakfast in bed and asked my mother in law for help. She said very loud “men don’t want breakfast in bed”. My daughter was sad. I would have loved to have her bring me up some coffee and shit. Little things like that are the shit.

    She stopped doing any breakfast in bed after that. Broke my heart. All she was doing was saying I love you in her own chosen way. Plus what man doesn’t like that? WTF, of course we like that shit.

  16. Also 45 year old grown man who makes 6 figures, takes care of his family and can out man alot of men: I love my cat and I’ll talk all cute baby talk to him all I want. Fuck anyone who says otherwise.

  17. I had a date tell me I was feminine for offering to help with her bags. Not her purse, but bags, full of food, for our picnic. There is literally no winning with some people

  18. A Female friend told me guys arent supposed to have sex toys, since it’s gross/perverted

    (Context is some buddies bought me a fleshlight for my 30th birthday)

  19. Men need to listen to heavy metal. If I tell people I like backstreet boys I need to run for cover

  20. Honestly, every single thing that starts with “Real men don’t/shouldn’t need/like…” is automatically ridiculous. It’s not up to everyone else to decide what a man enjoys or needs in his life and whoever tries to police them on it, needs to be shut down.

  21. My dad always said:”NO CRYING IN MY HOUSE”and when i do so he starts punching the walls and throwing like random stuff,eg:once he threw his phone at me…sooo look who’s depressed now…YAAAAAY

  22. the craziest one is talking about how men shouldn’t like women, enjoy being with women, or like their wife….seriously I have heard this several times….fellas its gay to be attracted to women.

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