My right testicle is about 2/3 times the size it should be and is incredibly painful. Lying down hurts far too much to get any rest, and at times it feels like im being constantly kicked in the nuts.

Ive had this before but it has never lasted more than a few hours, or been as intense as this time. It started a few days ago, and I have no idea what to do.
The obvious answer is to go to the GP but im really just hoping the swelling dies down like it has before in the past, Please help

  1. Absolutely go to a doctor. Even if this has happened before, you should really get it looked at. It might be nothing, but it could also be serious.

  2. Call a doctor. High school buddy of mine would get this and it would well up to the size or a beach football. He would need to get it drained.

    Do the same thing. Frankly, this is an urgent care visit. Go now. Don’t be worried dude, medical professionals see genitalia all the time.

  3. I had something similar and had to take antibacterials for it. Go to a doctor even if they only offer you an anti-inflammatory.

  4. Sounds like it could be testicular torsion which is an emergency or you could lose your testicle. Go to the ER.

  5. Testicular torsion is not a good thing. You can have partial torsion that resolves, but damage will occur if you don’t seek medical help. None of us can diagnose you, but that is one area you don’t want to roll the dice on.

  6. Dude is wasting time on Reddit for clearly a medical emergency, maybe reducing his fertility by losing a testicle is just what modern Darwinism looks like now.

    OP if you’re still not either on your way to hospital or already in hospital then get your ass to hospital goddamnit.

  7. I had this when I was 13. My right testical swelled to twice its normal size and turned purple. I thought maybe it was puberty but I bit the bullet and showed my mother. She screamed for my father and they drove me to the hospital. I was rushed straight into surgery. I’m 47 now and all is well. 🙂

  8. More common than you think, and usually no big deal and easily treated but I’d go get looked at as soon as you can. Good rule of thumb is to not wait, no reason to suffer through pain and let anything get worse. Take a deep breathe, you’ll be ok and go have a doctor look. Feel better!

  9. Go to the fucking doctor before the infection spreads to your left nut. Fast!!!! Go right now

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