What’s the single best way you’ve ever seen someone make passive income?

  1. real estate- my grandfather had 20 rental properties and payed a management company to maintain/lease. Just picked up his check every month while the tenants built his equity in the property. (he bought at auction and positive cash flow on all of them)

  2. Book authors. If you can pen a good novel or two, it’ll sell well while you sit on your ass, rinse and repeat until you have fuck you money.

  3. Once worked with a guy who married a girl rich enough that he no longer needed to work.

    But instead of quitting his job, he decided to just do nothing and collect a paycheck. Lasted about a year and a half before there was finally an issue bad enough that his boss couldn’t keep on ignoring the complaints.

  4. Knew a lawyer that ran a vanilla import business. Other than negotiating the contracts once in a while he didn’t do anything, made a boatload of money.

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