Woman of Reddit, what is one sentence a man told you that is still stuck in your head until this day?

  1. “Kinda lippy, aren’t you?”

    I can kick a man out of my bedroom for it but I’ll remember it forever.

  2. There’s two Guy #1- I used to be a cheater but I stopped cheating yesterday Guy #2- He rawed every female he slept with I don’t know if he thought that’d be a turn on but it did the opposite🙅‍♀️🤦‍♀️

  3. Still makes me laugh to think about the boyfriend who broke up with me by saying “I just feel like, aside from our sex life and our intellectual connection, we don’t really have anything in common”

  4. “I don’t want to date you because you look like a child and I’m scared people will think I’m a pedophile”

    I liked him so much, hurt so fucking badly.

  5. I haven’t thought about this in a long time or about the idiot who said it…..”Women don’t have hobbies. Their interests are limited to dating, social media, treating animals like human children and watching Frozen for the one hundredth time.”

  6. “You’re one of the only people who asks me how I am and actually means it”

    Said to my by a male coworker. Kinda broke my heart, and now I go out of my way to check in on him and ask how he is whenever I see him.

  7. “how are you so thick if you don’t eat any meat?” LMFAO

    honorable mentions:

    “I handily inferred your mental illness from sentences such as, ‘I’m sad.'” after I warned a guy before our first date that I have anxiety

    the first message ever from a guy I’d never spoken to on okcupid: “I so wanna feed you. You have to prepare first. Don’t eat for at least three days. A man once said ‘God comes to the hungry in the form of food.’ Food acquires a new role after fasting for a week several times. Hunger does not simply build as people expect. This is not only possible but easy and practiced by religions and cultures around the world. We all love food. I love you and your beautiful body. You have the body I want. Take control of your body shape and health to make sure you always have the body you want, too. Start stretching your nightly fast out the next day. Eating less sweeteners makes extending your fast easier. You can make a thing impossible by never doing it.” this is way more than one sentence but it was so fucking weird that I’ve been thinking about it for like eight years ever since he sent it

  8. My stepdad told me I’m going to have a hard time finding a man but my body is good.

    This sentence alone really messed me up and gives me a lot of anxiety whenever I think of it.

  9. I was complaining about my job to my abusive in every way ex and he said, fuck em, you’re worth two goats and a camel to me. I cried in the McDonald’s drive-thru. Nicest thing he ever said in 6 years.

  10. “I swear you are the most boring girl ever, and my mom is more interesting and exciting than you.” This was a fellow I dated my first year of college, and that really hurt.

  11. “Do you wear makeup at work? I think you should try it. You’ll look better with it”

    It was on the 3rd date

  12. “I’m not racist, I just don’t like it when they go after our women.”

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