Men and women?

Eta: not literally lol

If you were going to date which profession would you avoid?

  1. From my personal experience I have to go with lawyers, especially new associates and summer interns.

  2. Cops.

    Are you 5’7 and have anger issues?

    Were you cool in highschool but nobody wants to talk about that anymore?

    Do you often scream at minimum wage workers?

    Did you join the military to kill people, but got stationed in Ohio, and your entire platoon hated you?

    Do you often ruin family game nights by shouting at someone over a rule everyone was ignoring for the sake of fun?

    Do you have strong opinions about minorities?

    Are you desperate for a modicum of power?

    Well come on down! With just six short months of training YOU; yes YOU person who gets physical with the reff at T-ball games, can be given a gun, made above the law, and sent out on the streets to harass people, collect fines, and seize private property.

  3. My friend is a lawyer and he says lawyers are the worst people, so there it is straight from the horse’s mouth… I feel like the stereotype about lawyers is fairly spot on.

    I would also say many doctors are ‘discretely’ arseholes. I’m yet to meet one who speaks to or associates with ‘lower class’ people voluntarily. The reek of class/wealth privilege is strong.

    The most ‘indiscrete’ arseholes – people likely to openly abuse others – that I’ve experienced is probably middle management in blue collar industries… think warehouse managers, site managers, contract managers.

  4. This may be an unpopular opinion. Nurses. They actually have started to teach classes, in nursing school, on how to not be an asshole. As the head nurse at a facility I use to run would say. “Nurses eat their own”

  5. Arrogant and condescending: Private equity, followed by bankers followed by doctors/lawyers. Cops win for being rude and aggressive.

  6. I’m an electrician and have spent more time doing service than I really care to. I get to meet with all sorts of people from different lines of work.

    I’ve always had a hard time deciding if IT workers are assholes or just awkward.

    Engineers definitely have a tendency to be assholes, as do doctors.

    Nurses, however, are the absolute worst.

  7. Doctors. I understand they won school and work hard but the egos, pretentiousness, and self-righteousness of this group of people is exhausting. Definitely not the types who you can just kick it with.

  8. I’ve worked in avaition all my life and pilots in general are the biggest a-holes. There’s always exceptions to the rule, but out of the ones I’ve met it’s a good 85% chance that a pilot is a dick.

  9. Lobbyists. Go to DC and you’ll spot ‘em from a mile away. They’ll be wearing expensive but ill-fitting clothing. They’ll be drinking to excess in some overpriced downtown bar, and treating the whole restaurant staff like they’re dogs, snapping fingers at them and shouting at them to hurry up.

    Doesn’t matter if they’re men or women. They’re insufferable and so extremely full of shit, that they would starve to death if we reformed our campaign finance laws.

  10. Unpopular opinion, but people in academia, aka Assistant Professors, Professors and Researchers. They all act like they have won multiple Nobel prizes and everyone else is so beneath them, introduce themselves as “head scientist of this” and “head scientist of that”, but all the science they do in most cases is send surveys and analyze some lame data that will get them a scientific paper and advance their career, but will in no way contribute to humanity. I meet so many people in this environment that don’t really care about science, or about people in general, and it’s just sad. They are also horrible to be friends with or to date, huge egos for no reason at all. The smaller the brains the bigger the egos!

  11. I work in a hospital network. I’m not saying they’re all assholes, many of them are very nice, but the biggest assholes I’ve ever met in my life were doctors. All the top 20 have been doctors. They get a god complex and think they’re better than everyone else. They think just because they save lives that they can treat other people like absolute crap, especially their coworkers, even worse to the other employees like IT, janitors, cafeteria staff, etc. The worst part about it is that they never face any real repercussions because doctors aren’t exactly in high supply and they’re not exactly doing anything that can get them fired either.

  12. I’ve been in construction all of my working life. The good guys are great but most are huge turds.

  13. I’d imagine dating a psychologist would be pretty frustrating, imagine arguing with someone professionally suited to pick you apart

  14. I will be damned, but the answer is police officers. It is so strange to be afraid of the people who were supposed to protect you. Unfortunately I’ve never met a nice, trusting officer. They are all a-holes thinking they are invincible and can do whatever they want.

  15. I work in Fashion. Fucking rude weirdos that never left the high school mentality. And if you say anything “they’re geniuses and you don’t understand them” fuck off these clothes are ugly and everyone pretends they’re not so we get invited to the popular table.

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