I (31F) met someone charming off Tinder (31M), we seemed to have great chemistry. Went back to his place on 2nd date & had great se.x (I initiated it, not him).We both stated that we’re looking for LTR. I feel like I’m falling fast & hard for this guy.

But there’re a few concerns:

\- We haven’t met again for 2 weeks. 1st week he said he had a cold. 2nd week he said he has guest from out of town, couldn’t hang out. Our dates were cancelled twice, I find it a little concerning. He wrote long texts to explain the situation.

\- Said he’s a bad texter in his profile & when we met, so I don’t text him much. But at the same time, he wrote long & elaborate texts above – doesn’t seem like bad texter (?!)
\- He’s frequent drug user (not addicted, just recreational use). I don’t mind, but just putting it out there. He has a stable job.

What do you think??? I did have a huge crush on him. But twice in a row… He asked to meet again now, but I’m hesitant because I’m afraid to be stood up last minute again. Or could it be simply coincidence??

The problem is not that we didn’t meet, but the fact that we made plans which he cancelled just the day before 🙁 I’d rather not have made plans

  1. I’d probably give him another chance, he provided explanations for why he wasn’t available.

    It’s never good to be head over heels for someone after 2 dates. You barely know them. Act cool. It may go somewhere and it may not. Right now it’s definitely too early to tell. If he cancels a third time I’d worry.

  2. I strongly think that you should raise this issue with him. Let him know that this feels deal-breaking to you. Talk it out with him. If he is sincere enough and has interest he will mend his ways. Otherwise anyway there is no point staying with him.

  3. Last chance. This time – if he shows – don’t offer sex, not after two previous cancels. If he is interested in you, he won’t stand you up for date #4 or 5.

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