I got to learn so much from this subreddit and hopefully this time also I will get to learn.

So foreplay is important and I have some questions regarding how safely I have to perform on my girl. So I am openly having no problem on eating her from the front side. But when it comes to eating her from the backside, I have to take so much precautions so that I couldn’t lick her anus by any chance which can cause after issue to her. As I read that you can eat both !

We both are very hygienic and take shower before sex and even perform sex at shower too. But I feel uneasy while performing oral from back. Sometimes my nose gets in touch with her anus though I am fine with that.

I am new in relationship and sex with her and very concerned for her.
Should I stop performing oral sex ? Or what to do?
I just want her to feel safe and happy.

  1. What exactly is the concern here? Does she want you not to rim her? Or are you concerned about getting your tongue in contact with germs? Or are you concerned about transferring those germs back to her pussy?

  2. She’ll be fine. My husband licks me “butthole to bellybutton” and it has never caused an issue. Especially since she’s showered, have fun.

  3. I have two female partners, and I lick them to heaven a lot for years now. If you are clean, there is no issue here. Talk to her about it, and go ahead and have as much fun as you like!

  4. Have her shower or use a bidet before…..and on those days, don’t limit your licks or her pleasure. ;).

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