Im 27F. The vast majority of dates that I go on are from OLD. Typically I don’t like to spend a lot of time texting with someone on the apps before I actually meet them in person, so I usually just have a quick introductory convo, and then set up a date for the next few days, then I don’t talk to them except to confirm we’re still on for the date the day of.

However I’ve also spent the last year and a half in two different very unhealthy situationships where the guys had zero interest in actually having a texting relationship with me beyond setting up a hookup, so I’m out of practice with that sort of ongoing conversation in general.

This past weekend I met someone in person at a party and we spent some time talking, and they asked for my number and asked me to go on a date this weekend. I’m super psyched about it, but meeting someone in person is so alien to me that I don’t know how to handle it! (Which is sad, but alas, that’s the world we live in). We talked a bit the morning after, but the convo reached a natural end and I’m not sure where to go from here.

I know this is such a basic silly question, but how much should I text him before our date or should i just leave it until the weekend? And what do I say?

  1. I’m a guy and all I can say is I appreciate getting texts because I’m usually the one ALWAYS texting first. Maybe it’d just me. Idk if everyone has this problem. I would text him whenever you want but like jus not double text if you get what I mean

  2. I’m a guy and I personally love text and don’t usually have any shortage of things to talk about. I keep it natural and don’t force anything if I am busy or playing videogamesI won’t text as much but I always try to get back in a reasonable amount of time. In my experience women who text very few times in between in never seems to work out with.

  3. Just ask him randomly what he’s doing twice a day and then try to make a comment on whatever he says. Guys do this all the time and seem to think it’s good text game. Or just randomly mention something you’re doing or an interesting thing you saw online/quote in a movie/whatever. It’s more about just making an effort.

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