What’s something that people shouldn’t do at work?

  1. trauma dumping

    i’ve only been on the receiving end of it one time but that was enough to realize it should never happen

  2. Thinking that you can fuck around like you did in high school. Everyone gonna stab you in the back my dude.

  3. Have “work wives” or “work husbands” when either party is in a relationship. It’s okay to be friends with co-workers but hanging all over them, being inappropriate, or doing/saying anything you wouldn’t do in front of your significant other should not be happening at work.

  4. Talk about politics, comment on people’s bodies or what they are eating, show up there sick, tell your random coworker about your entire life when you don’t really know each other, repeat themselves over and over in meetings, ask their coworkers when they are having babies or if they are currently pregnant, use speaker phone loudly with their office door open, spread gossip, I could go on…

  5. 1. Talk openly about sexual subjects or things that might make others uncomfortable. Basically, be mindful of who’s around.
    2. Micromanage.
    3. Ask like the boss if you are not the boss.

  6. Spend countless hours pouring themselves into a company that doesn’t value or respect them in any way.

  7. Choose a stall next to the only one being used when there are 8 other empty bathroom stalls they could choose from.

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