Me (19M) and my sister (21F) were never really on good terms. She’s a despicable narcissistic bully. She is incredibly irrationally hateful. I left home after my first university year because I got a 6 months apprenticeship at a very good place. I finished it last week and returned home. My dog has become so miserable. He’s unusually depressed and also scared. I took it easy and didn’t suspect anything at first. But he was just so different. Last time I saw him was 4 months ago, he was doing okay. My parents took him out to socialize frequently, and he was overall taken care of, at least I thought so. Yesterday I saw in the early morning my sister throwing a tennis ball at him so violently, for literally no reason. I was instantly angry but suddenly I had a weird thought. Apparently she’s been physically abusing him the past months. I asked my parents how the fuck they let it happen. They were so infuriatingly apathetic. I don’t know what exactly she did but she beat him badly. I’m just fucking furious. What kind of lunacy would make anyone do shit like this… I don’t know if a vet/psychologist can get my dog back. What do I do with them?

  1. Go nuclear, if someone is capable of hurting an animal like this , just because they can’t complain , then they deserve to be burnt at the stake , expose them to everyone for who they are , they’re jobs , friends , relatives , co-workers and anyone with any relation to them .

  2. I’m so sorry to hear about the abuse your dog has endured. It is never okay for anyone, especially family members, to harm an animal in this way. Your sister’s behavior towards your dog is unacceptable and reflects her unsettling lack of respect for others.

    Your first priority should be getting your pet the help he needs from a veterinarian or qualified animal psychologist. You may also want to consider legal action against your sister if that feels appropriate given the situation.

    It’s understandable that you are feeling very angry in response to learning of this abuse, but it would be best to channel these feelings into taking positive steps forward with getting help for your dog and hopefully preventing future incidents like this one from happening again.

  3. Your sister needs her ass kicked.

    Find a place where you can have your dog.

    Barring that, violently throw a tennis ball at her when she is vulnerable and tell her that you are going to do to her what she does to your dog. Put the fear of you into her.

  4. The most important things are getting your dog away from your sister, and getting your dog seen by a vet.

    In terms of whether the emotional damage to your dog is permanent, I think it’s too early to tell. But if your dog is having a lot of trouble with fear and anxiety, you could look into trainers. Trainers can help with more than just obedience; they can often also provide tips on helping your dog work through it’s fear. There are also tons of good youtube videos, books, and other media out there if you want to really get into more resources.

  5. Narcissist usually treat not only humans bad but animals and children very bad. I wish I could give you a hug. Plz take care of yourself and your sweet little dog.

  6. Wow.

    Find a way to get the dog housed somewhere else as soon as possible! I wouldn’t keep in contact with animal abusers but that’s just me. I’d throw so much shade on social media, at your sister and parents. And see if legal recourse is possible, if they can be responsible for covering medical bills.

  7. I’m very sorry to hear that, I would recommend taking the steps to get your dog away from that kind of environment.

  8. I think you need to consider whether you are capable of providing a safe home for your dog. If you can’t, you should rehome him— I know that can be heart breaking, but you clearly care deeply for him, so I’m sure you understand that your dog is completely dependent on you for his well-being.

  9. Why do people get pets only to leave/make it someone else’s responsibility?

    Everyone sucks here, but especially your fucking sister.

  10. The sister needs to pay a blood debt! Beat her ass so badly she won’t be able to look at the dog without having PTSD.

  11. Your sister needs to get therapy.. I know your dog couldn’t have given her much of a reason to be abused. You need to take he or she out of the home immediately

  12. You must get your dog away from your sister. If you can’t do that immediately you should surrender him to a rescue. He’s been tortured enough.

  13. Get your dog the fuck out of there and if you have animal cruelty laws where you are, especially if those laws have teeth, get your sister with those, your parents as well for just letting it happen. Your dog probably won’t go back to normal fully but he needs safety again first and foremost.

  14. If I saw anyone throw something at my pet whatever was closest to me/in my hand would be fast pitched at them. While I’m chasing them down.

    Go to the police and get your dog outta there

  15. I’m so sorry for your dog OP.

    I’m not experienced with dogs but I do have a horse that was badly abused before I got him. I spent months literally crawling on the floor/ground around him because he was so scared. Eventually he started to approach me and I won his trust, he is now a very happy horse. It takes time, patience and comittment to care for an abused animal but I think it’s doable.

  16. I get the rage, but the “beat her ass” shit it stupid. Who’s gonna watch your dog while you’re in jail? Whos gonna pay the bills when you lose your apprenticeship over her dumb ass?

    Take your dog and all your shit, get the hell out, and walk away from your sick family until they come to the light. Fuck em.

    Have the dog checked out. After that, give it time. He/she CAN feel safe again. It just takes time and that vile cunt’s permanent absence.

  17. Get your dog to a safe place. Then record your parents admitting to what they saw and record your sister admitting to it. File a police report. She will do this to
    Other dogs and probably kids too.

  18. I’m seriously hoping and praying that if you can get him out of that situation and hes no longer exposed to your sister & your parents, maybe he’ll snap out of it. You have to realize if he’s around the people that traumatized hes going to be living in a state of fear. Fear can do all sorts of things to a dog’s behavior. You need to get him out of there and get him somewhere where he can feel safe. Then just give him all the love that he should have been getting this whole time. I worked in animal rescue for a long time and I’ve seen some really horrendous things done to dogs but I’ve also seen those same dogs get the care they needed and make. I’m really sorry that this happened to you and your dog. I think your best bet would be to go completely NC with your family …they sound absolutely awful.

  19. I’m so sorry for your dog. You need to find somewhere safe to take him, even if that is a kennel it’s better than an abusive home.

    All of these “beat her up” posts are stupid and I hope you take them with a grain of salt. Obviously you can’t protect your dog if you’re sitting in the county jail. She is the one that needs to be in a jail, not you, so please refrain from hurting her despite how tempting it may be.

    Also, a person that hurts an animal will sooner or later go on to hurt a human. So, if you need further convincing to stay away from her, there you go.

  20. 1) Get him to the vet and AWAY from your cunt sister.
    2) Find a new, appropriate home for him that is willing and able to be patient and kind. Preferably, that would be with you but if not, you need to find him a family/owner that will be able to provide him with the kindness, loving, and caring of which he’s recently been deprived.
    3) Report your sister to the police ASAP. If your dog has injuries visible on him, take photos. Any evidence at all that you can provide will be helpful in prosecuting her.

  21. I know it’s your sister, but report her and get the dog away immediately, even if it means dognapping him to bring him somewhere safe before he endures anymore suffering. She will get whats coming to her one day. They don’t like animal abusers in prison where she belongs.

  22. Have your sister charged with Animal abuse. If your state allows it, secretly record her and try to get her to admit to it again or try to get your parents to then report her. Worst she’ll probably get is a fine or “Vandalism” charge because Pets are usually considered property. Try to charge your parents too if you can, then get out. Try to find a roommate asap and never go back.

  23. Bring your dog to the vet to get taken care of. If he needs treatment of any sort, tell your sister and your parents that since the dog was in their care when it happened, you expect them to pay the bill. Him barely wanting to stand is a big red flag.

    Do NOT do what some have suggested and go after your sister with a tennis ball or anything else. You are a male and will be judged negatively for it. This is a good time to stick to the higher ground of “I left my friendly, lovable dog in their care. As a result of their care, or lack thereof, my dog is now a fearful, cowering animal.”

  24. Beat your sister so she understands what it feels like to be beat.

    note: potentially bad advice with definitive legal ramifications.

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