My ex-boyfriend used to watch it about once a week. Just curious if this was about average or not for a divorced guy in his mid- 40s?

So, how often do you watch and are you currently married, divorced, single, or currently with someone?

This is just from a curiosity standpoint; I’m not complaining about how much/little he watched it.

  1. Married.

    Before kids, I watched 2x a year.

    After kids I watch once a week.

    Now that wife is 8mos pregnant I watch 2-3x per week.

  2. It varies a fair bit. Sometime it could be up to 2 or 3 times a week, usually in a burst of a few days. Then at other times, I can go well over a month without looking at it at all. Im married with a child.

  3. It depends what counts. Now that I have reddit, I see NSFW stuff on a daily basis when browsing /r/all. I’d argue that counts.

    If you count erotic stories, then probably 2-5x per week. It’s been that frequent since the 90s when I had access to e.g. on Usenet in college.

    I’m married with kids now. I think the only thing that changes much from a porn perspective is how often it’s solo and how often I get sexy times with the missus; when she was pregnant or we had infants it was solo more frequently. And there were some periods of high stress where my libido was lower.

  4. Married, two kids, 41 years old, wife and I have massively mismatched sex drives (mine extremely high, hers somewhat low). I work from home about half of the week, and I’m a night owl, so I have lots of opportunities. I watch porn in some form about 9-12 times per week, and in general I masturbate on average 2-3 times per day.

  5. Not married, infrequent sex with partner.
    3 times a week though I would like to cut it out for good.

    I never feel good after watching porn, its more like a burden for me.
    I guess I started watching it too early and became addicted sort of.

    Sometimes I dont watch for a long time and those times are great because then I notice real women and get turned on by them which is a great feeling, except my partner has a very low libido so I always return to porn eventually.

    Miserable.. ehh.

  6. Married, 42, about once a day for the very practical purpose of prostate health. I dont, “watch” like sit there passively watching. It is a tool that serves a purpose.

    My wife and I have been together for ten years, we average sex about 2-3 times a week. It is healthy to ejaculate once a day at least. I joke with my wife that if she wishes to shoulder the burden solely that I would be down. She is not.

    I cannot speak for any other man, but if my wife had a problem with this, I would not care. I am completely faithful and committed to our marriage, but I am a man. I like to look at other women, I like watching attractive woman doing normal sex stuff. I have had a relationship with porn for 31 years and have no intention of that changing. I mean, my wife is totally fine with it, I don’t rub it in her face (no pun intended).

    I did have a girlfriend years ago who had a problem with it. She hated it and this is prior to internet so I had to have elaborate hiding places for magazines. Funny thing, after we broke up, I found out she was cheating on me for our whole relationship of 2.5 years. So at this point, women who have issue with it I inherently distrust.

    Oh and I would have zero problem if my wife behaved the same way as me about it. We are allowed to have independent sexual feelings, we are human.

  7. Define watch porn. I would just view it for ten minutes at a time. Now I don’t even do that.

  8. 2x week when I’m jackin’ it.

    My wife and I have a healthy sex life.

    But there are times when I’m ready to go and she isn’t around, is on her period, is stressed out, etc.

    That’s when I hit the porn, jack it, get a quick release, and then back to normal life.

    She originally didn’t like it and kind of thought it was cheating in a way. But I explained to her that there is absolutely ZERO emotion involved. It’s 100% about men being horny and we need to release.

    Not being able to jack odd is a violation of my own rights as a human being. Plus, wouldn’t you rather I take care of business myself instead of going out to find someone to cheat with?

  9. Recently married (one week tomorrow), no kids.

    I probably look at porn twice a week on average. On rare occasion, we’ve watched it together.

  10. I watch porn every time I masturbate.

    So that ebbs and flows. Sometimes that’s daily. Lately i’ve been exhausted from a high workload and a toddler that’s been waking up at night, so twice in the last week.

    But I can’t watch professional porn anymore. Only homemade stuff these days. basically Gonewild and its variants.

  11. I used to practically every day, but now it’s pretty much never. I only feel sexual urges anymore with my real live girlfriend and other than that not at all. I don’t know if that’s just a function of age or hormones changing or what, but porn just doesn’t do it for me anymore. Only a real woman in front of me gets me aroused now.

  12. Married. Look at pr0n whenever I can sneak a peek.

    Sometimes I’ll do it when I’m tired, not horny. It gives me a lift.

    And sometimes I’ll stroll through /r/goddesses just to laugh at reddit’s jejune taste in female beauty.

  13. Do you mean how many times a day? Maybe I should just leave my answer at more than once a day.

  14. Used to watch it way to much (daily). It’s a bad habit that I finally broke. Porn is a problem when it replaces sex. When it enhances it, then it’s not a problem.

  15. I’ve been off porn for just over 5 months. I, personally don’t have the urge to watch it. I’m single with no kids.

  16. I don’t watch it all anymore….i think antidepressants have a lot to do with that though…

  17. Married with many kids and I never watch it. I believe porn destroys marriages and ruins a man’s ability to properly love a woman.

  18. Never. I don’t find it to be very realistic. I used to watch porn all of the time. Then I grew tired of it and would check it out every blue moon just to see if it did anything for me. I am divorced and I always found that I just have no interest in the porn itself anymore. I wanted/want a relationships that has depth. Sex with other women outside of marriage wasn’t as good as what I had with my wife and porn is just a pathetic shadow of sex in general. Not saying that porn isn’t hot for a second, it’s just not what I’m really looking for if I’m honest with myself.

  19. I actually JO to porn once a week or once every two weeks, but I see some form of nudity just about every day. Usually nothing hardcore though. That’s more of a “once every few days” thing.

  20. What does “watch porn” mean?

    If you care about every single time I look at a reddit porn sub? That might be a dozen times per day.

    If you want to know how often I jerk off, does it matter if I use porn or not? Sometimes daily, sometimes weekly. Sometimes multiple times per day.

    What’s your real question?

  21. 37yr old. Almost every day or every other day. But only for several minutes and I’m done

  22. Never so…once every six months? I used to watch it every other day but I found the unrealistic aspects of it made me unhappy with my real life. Now I am much happier without it honestly.

  23. I wank (to porn) once a day.
    I told my girlfriend it was because we weren’t having enough sex.
    We now have sex very regularly, yet I still find myself wanking most nights as well.

  24. It really depends. Some weeks I might watch nothing at all. Other weeks I may watch 5-6x a week. Married, but living separately.

    During the 6 years of Dead Bedroom living with my wife, it was probably 2-3x a week.

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