Right now I’m in my 20’s and weight gain has definitely started to catch up to me during covid as it did for many of us; however, despite losing 15 pounds and bringing my weight back down I can’t help but feel my diet of all junk food will one day haunt me so I wanted to know if I should start worrying now and if it will stick more in my 30’s

  1. It’s different for everyone. I could eat or drink pretty much anything I wanted until I was around 28. That superpower went away.

  2. I was morbidly obese the last ~15 years. Started putting on weight pretty much as soon as I got out my own in 2002 or so. Kinda snuck up on me and I couldn’t break behavioral patterns and mental health problems to get it back under control. I only recently dropped the weight to a normal level after ~18 months of dieting and exercise. Regardless, I’ll always have loose skin and clear evidence of that weight on my body.

  3. Getting fat as you age isn’t a fact of life but a uniquely Western myth. You’re so used to seeing people get fat after 40 that it is shocking to see people skinny at 45,50,60,etc. Yes your metabolism slows, but that doesn’t mean you have to eat the same as you always did.

    IMHO you have to embrace hating fitness at a certain point, but still have the grit to stick with it.

    Having quality equipment at home helps.

    There is a triangle of family, career, fitness. Being good at all three is impossible, but you can be really good at two and slightly above average at the third item. For me that is fitness.

    Background: DYEL until 20, military for 8 years, only started lifting at year 6. 36yo now and 5’10” 190lbs at 14-15% bf. Recomping until death basically, pure maintenance mode. I hate fitness but stick with it with a home gym. My motivation is trying to remember how many fat 85 year olds I’ve met. None, they all fucking die well before then.

    Also, don’t fret about macros. Focus on quantity. No one ever got fat from eating under maintenance, they aren’t defying physics.

  4. Everyone’s body is different but in my opinion everyone has the choice to live a healthy lifestyle… or not.

    If you haven’t yet, get in the routine of being active and learn to eat well.

  5. Everybody I know gained wait when the gyms were closed. I’m in my late sixties. It’s really hard for us old guys to lose weight. I joined a gym again this past June. I’m down 20. Sister told me that muscle burns more calories than fat does so exercise and build muscle. It’ll have a cumulative effect.

  6. >I can’t help but feel my diet of all junk food will one day haunt me

    Regardless activity level and boby type you will get fat with a diet like this. Just wait until you find out what booze does to you.

  7. A cruel fact is that as we get older, most people will have less time to practice sports or any kind of exercise, so gaining way becomes easier.

    On top of that, everyone is different. I for example gain weight super fast if I don’t watch what eat. It wasn’t much of an issue back when I was in my early to mid 20’s, but know I have to take care of my diet if I want to remain the way I am.

    So to answer your question: depends solely on your body, but it can be hard af if your body gains weight fast.

  8. Not hard. Most of it is diet. Then workout. It’s only hard.if you are so far gone that you need to get dramatically back to a healthy weight. And even then it’s just discipline. Eventually the diet and exercise will replace the dopamine you get from Taco bell and candy…and then, you have a new healthy.addixtion you can feel good about.

  9. You’re an idiot if you dont start eating healthier now. Adult male daily consumption of sugar should be 35 grams or less….start paying attention to that. Dont drink your calories. Drink way more water than you already are. Get some fiber and colorful vegetables, and get your heart rate up doing something outside frequently.

  10. Very difficult, as others have said.

    One other thing I’m not seeing get brought up is bloating.

    Bloating can make you go from having a 34 inch waist to having a 42 inch waist after a meal – never used to happen when I was younger, and it is absolute hell.

    The change in volume that represents is mind-boggling.

    Really something to be mindful of, especially in terms of hernias.

  11. Calories in vs calories out.

    The avoidance of calories out increases later in life. We get easier jobs, we drive instead of walk or pedal, and joint pains make us aversive to some activities.

    It’s basically “keep an exercise regimen and don’t eat like a fucking idiot”. You’ll still gain some vanity pounds but that’s the long and short of it.

  12. Over 30 and I can still eat whatever I want whenever I want no problems. It’s different for everyone.

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