A little background info, I’m (23F) and I just had a baby in may. I stopped working when I got pregnant due to HG and other complications (I have a rare blood disorder that has almost taken my life on multiple occasions). I had a hard pregnancy, and a traumatic emergency c-section. I genuinely felt so alone my entire pregnancy, I tried to keep ties with people I was friends with but honestly now more than ever I feel as though I have no one but my son. I was also diagnosed with autism when I was 20 so I already have a hard time connecting with people.

I had about two or three people that I talked to semi regularly, but now I have no one. They just stop talking to me, or make no effort to have conversations. There are people who I haven’t spoken to since I got pregnant and I decided to delete not only their numbers but my entire Facebook. I get that people have lives and I do too, but I still cared about them… Seems like no one ever cares about me. Change is hard for me and not being able to have someone to talk with is hard. I don’t know why it hurt so bad to delete their numbers but it does. One of them just got married and it went from me being invited to the wedding to being ghosted for no apparent reason.
I have always had a hard time keeping friends, and now I don’t even know how to make one. I deleted pretty much every social media because it was just too much negativity.
If I hadn’t met my husband I would have more than likely offed myself by now. I feel guilty because I still have those feelings.

  1. You’re only 23, not 99. So don’t give up. Once you end up where you fully belong in life and have had many more experiences, you’ll rack up a few true friends.

  2. Mum’s groups are a common way for mums to meet other mums. They’re in the same situation as you do there’s a natural bond potential and it gives your son a chance to socialise as well.

  3. You know, people can and *will* act out of jealousy at times.

    I wouldn’t give up on making friends but you do have a place where you belong: your family. In the end, that’s what really matters anyways. You said it yourself:

    >If I hadn’t met my husband I would have more than likely offed myself by now.

    In the worst case, you may not make any friends again (I highly doubt this as you seem like a good person) but at least you’ll have your family and that is more than what most people can have.

  4. No don’t give up on friends. I have social anxiety too and managed to make friends over the years. I wasn’t able to hook up with any girlfriend though. When you do talk with someone just go slow and don’t tell to much at once. Message me back if you want

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