Women who’ve matched with someone on a dating app but then didn’t respond to the matches attempt to message you, what made you decide not to respond?

  1. I probably looked over the profile again and saw something I didn’t like. Or if you start with “hi” I probably wouldn’t respond.

  2. They probably said something to indicate that they hadn’t read my profile, or just assumed “hey” “sup” or “need a deep dicking” was a proper greeting.

  3. Honestly, when I was single, I found the swiping emotionally exhausting all on its own (having to judge people & contemplate how I’m being judged etc). Often, I’d match three or four people in a matter of minutes, but if they weren’t on the app at that exact moment, the moment of opportunity would be missed. I would lose motivation & not get back on the app for a week/weeks.

  4. Generally, if you don’t actually do a conversation starter, I won’t respond.

    but a non-creepy question.

    please don’t tell me you’re a well-seasoned yogi with a high libido as your first message.

  5. Bad first message. I delete messages immediately if they could have been copy-and-pasted to literally anyone, and I only keep/respond to messages that reference something specific about my profile. Just don’t have the spare time/energy to expend on people who put in the minimum amount of effort possible.

  6. Something about their message was a turn-off or showed low effort. If I’m the one that makes the match, I send the first message with a question to get things going. If they just answer without a follow-up question, I move on. I’m not pulling teeth to talk to anyone.

  7. If a guy messages me something like “wyd” or can’t use proper grammar and/or spelling (messing up you’re/your & their/they’re/there), I lose all interest immediately

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