What is the harshest truth you’ve learned?

  1. That people have their own problems, and that it’s up to you because nobody is coming to help.

  2. Looks matter a lot. Get fit, get a good haircut, get fashionable clothing, and maximize your photos. Personality shines through once you meet but if you don’t look good enough she won’t want to meet.

  3. People convince themselves that they are better than others by using subjective standards/morals they made for themselves.

  4. I just came to realization that all my life has been to try to make the world a better place and have just realized it’s the ultimate vanity to think you will have any lasting effects on the world

  5. Caring too much at work doesn’t further your career. I have seen the most selfish people climb the ladder.

  6. Most people grow out of being selfless/nice because they are exploited by others for being that way!!

    Some people also go out of the way to label these bad traits to have

  7. Forgive everyone of everything or die with regret. It costs nothing to let go regardless of how much harm they’ve done to you, in fact I guarantee the cost of holding on is significantly bigger. You don’t have to like them when you forgive them but you can’t keep hating them forever

  8. We are a tiny ass speck in space and time, you will not be remembered or make a meaningful impact in the world. The world is a shit show and no one asked to be here, but here we are and the only thing we can really do is make this hellish journey towards our return to nothingness a little easier on other people.

  9. “No one gets a bonus for bloody knuckles and scars. No one remembers your name just for working hard.”

  10. Doing your best is rarely enough to succeed. Also some people are just bad and can’t/won’t accept being helped

  11. The vast majority of people you meet in your life won’t care about you as a person. They’ll only care about what you can do for them and what they might have to do for you.

  12. Everyone is dealing with shit. You want help? Help yourself no one is coming to save you. If people want to save you it’s a nice gesture and appreciated but don’t depend on it. So many people are depressed (a normal human emotion) and just sit around waiting for it to change but the reality is that it won’t unless they do. But you can’t just tell someone that even though it’s the truth.

  13. I felt that I am mentally a weak person because I would often vent or express my anger at my parents even though the resentment that caused such anger was through the actions of others. I express my rage to them because I know they love me (more or less) unconditionally. Hurting the ones that love you the most. Not confronting others or being nice to others while being mean to those that actually love you because of your pent up frustration. I am glad I realised it though, because I am now working to resolve that and be a better person overall.

  14. Being told that “you’ll find someone” and the like can make it sound that love will just magically come to you eventually. Truth is that it takes actual time, effort and dedication. For some of us much more than others. If you don’t do anything to reach that it’s very unlikely to happen. And even if you do there’s no guarantee you won’t be single for the rest of your life. Love in real life is nothing like in the movies.

  15. My ex wife had been planning an exit from our marriage for about 5 years before she ended things, in which time she was gathering as much information as she could about my private financial affairs and those of my parents in an attempt to extort a shit ton of money from us.

  16. There are very few occasions in your life when it matters if you’re right.

    It’s much better to be well-liked, lucky, and happy than right.

    Once I accepted that, things became easier and made a lot more sense.

  17. Some people aren’t worth saving. And if you refuse to do something with your problems personally, you’re among those people

  18. Nobody is looking out for you unless there’s something in it for them.

    A lot of blokes I know who say stuff like “if you’re feeling down or depressed, I’m here to talk” really aren’t for the long run.

    Life takes a lot of pulling yourself up by your boot strings, and it’s hard to feel motivated all the time, but it has to be done.

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