I mean like past the age of 1 or 2. Im talking still breastfeeding a 4 or 5 year old?

  1. I think it is okey for like up to two years old but later it becomes weird

  2. The World Health Organization encourages it until about 5 or 6. If some else has it in them, more power to em

  3. So people claim it’s good for them, a five year old. So why not just express and place in the cup. Why does a five year old need to actually get it from the boob?

  4. None of my business, but it’s unwise in my opinion once the child is school aged. Beyond that, that’s between the parents, their medical/mental health professionals, and the needs of the child.

  5. It is definitely weird when I first see it. But then I get over it because it is typical in other parts of the world that a baby is nursed until older than the standard 6 months-1 year that I’m used to.

    But when I say weird, it isn’t weird in a negative sense. It’s weird in a sense that it isn’t *my* norm and disrupts what I’m used to so my automatic reaction goes to “weird”. Like my brother’s mom breastfed him until he was about 3. At first it was weird af but then I got used to it when I kept seeing her breastfeed him.

  6. Breastfed my kids up to 2 1/2 and 3. By then we only did it at bedtime. We know that it is very nutritious and it boosts their immune system. Parent and child get a boost of oxytocin love hormones every time. It was a lovely source of comfort, attachment and security. Weaned them when it felt right. Still very close to them as teenagers. No regrets!

  7. Not something I have any opinion on. People should do what feels right for them and their kid.

  8. I’m very much in favor. My first kid self weaned at 3.5. My second kid weaned (mom led) at age 5.

  9. Personally if they have more than 1 kid I wonder how the hell they physically manage. Trying to sit down and feed a baby /toddler is hard, especially when others are constantly coming to you wanting stuff, asking you stuff, trying to get in on “the cuddle” all the while your trying to avoid moving too much so you don’t get bitten

  10. I personally would not do it….but it’s absolutely none of my business what others do.

  11. I support people feeding their children. Extending bf beyond infancy is normal and healthy. People who are privileged enough to be able to do it are lucky.

  12. Personally? I’m against it. I think it’s an unhealthy relationship with the kid and the husband. I breastfeed my older until he was 7-8 months old and I’m waiting for my younger to start eating solid food so I’ll feel comfortable to stop it with him. Breastfeeding takes away your freedom in some way, and I want it back. However, I couldn’t care less about other mothers. This is non of my business. If they want to send their kids to college with frozen bags of breast milk then good for them for keeping it up. I don’t want other to push their nose into my choices and I try to avoid it myself.

  13. Not my circus, not my monkeys. So long as the child is fed, cared for and not being abused, I don’t see how it’s any of my business.

  14. I understand a minimum of a year is ideal and some people go longer. Their call

  15. It’s nothing to do with anyone other than the mother and child. Western culture appears to stigmatize breastfeeding that goes beyond the very early stage of a baby’s life but in many cultures it’s widely accepted that breast feeding can go on until a child is 5/6.

  16. I’m no mother but for *my opinion* I feel like once the baby/child has teeth no more boobs.

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