Basically the title says it all. He finishes at 10Pm, I finish my shifts at midnight and he always wants me to give him a ride when I work this shift.

I feel bad for the guy doesnt have any form of transportation, severely overweight (because he only eats what people give him). But he’s a 37 yr old man who should be able to take care of himself!

Should i just be an asshole and say no i dont want to add 10/15 minutes to my drive home or shoui just be the nice guy. Any advice?

  1. Just say that you can’t do it, make up an excuse like a dog or smth if you have to. But I would just say “sorry dude but I can’t drive you anymore” and give a reason if he asks like a pet, gas prices, etc.

  2. As sad as it is, no good deed goes unpunished. (Obviously that doesn’t always apply)

    You give him a ride once, he will ask for a ride again. It sounds like you already don’t want to, but feel that you SHOULD.

    When I’ve been in situations like this. I save my offerings for a ride to be only when the weather is really dire. Makes me feel good in those times and I tend to not be annoyed by the extra drive time.

    Otherwise he’s a 37 year old man who can figure it out.

    – Sincerely
    A grumpy guy who doesn’t like people.

  3. It does not make you an asshole to say no. Unfortunately, it’s his own responsibility to find a way home. You don’t owe him that. Also Uber/Lyft exists, so it’s not like he doesn’t have options.

  4. Being an asshole is a very useful skill in life, might as well learn how to cultivate it now.

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